Mediating Sustainability: Growing Policy from the Grassroots
  • 1998/286 pages
  • A Kumarian Press Book

Mediating Sustainability:

Growing Policy from the Grassroots

Jutta Blauert and Simon Zadek, editors
Hardcover: $67.00
ISBN: 978-1-56549-082-6
Paperback: $26.95
ISBN: 978-1-56549-081-9
Focusing on efforts in Latin America aimed at achieving sustainable agricultural and rural development, the authors describe successful initiatives that seek to distill and articulate knowledge from the realm of practice in a manner than can influence the realm of policy.
Jutta Blauert is a development consultant whose work focuses on Latin America. Simon Zadek is senior fellow at the Global Green Growth Institute and the International Institute for Sustainable Development and visiting scholar at Tsinghua School of Economics and Management in Beijing