International Political Economy
Knowledge Power introduces the interconnected roles of intellectual property, information, and privacy and explores the evolution of the domestic and international rules that govern More >
Mark Martinez reveals how the myth of the "invisible hand" has distorted our understanding of the development and actual performance of modern capitalist markets. Martinez draws More >
One of the most durable myths of US political economy is that we take from the rich and give to the poor—penalizing the rich for their hard work and rewarding the undeserving. Mark More >
Exploring the diverse ways that corporations affect the practices and structures of the global political economy, this innovative work addresses three fundamental questions: How can the More >
With intellectual property widely acknowledged today as a key component of economic development, those accused of stealing knowledge and information are also charged with undermining More >
This book analyzes the empirical trends constituting the globalization process in the late twentieth century and explains its underlying causes and consequences. The authors explore the More >
When global economies integrate, what disintegrates as a result? The answer, Ronaldo Munck contends, is social equality. To illustrate how globalization deepens existing inequities, Munck More >
Both the spread of Covid-19 and the intense US-China rivalry have been sources of stress for national economies throughout Asia Pacific. The authors of Asia-Pacific Small States, eschewing More >
Manuel Orozco moves beyond the numbers to provide a uniquely comprehensive, historically informed overview and analysis of the complex role of migrant remittances in the global More >
How does the evolution of global capitalism shape patterns and processes of migration? How does migration in turn shape and intersect with the forces at work in the global economy? How More >
Confronting the corrosive influence that war economies typically have on the prospects for peace in war-torn societies, this study critically analyzes current policy responses and More >
Has the far-reaching experiment in creating a new world order along neoliberal lines succeeded? John Rapley answers with an emphatic no, contending that the rosy picture painted by More >
Globalization and Change in Asia explores three decades of adjustment on the part of governments, civil society, and the private sector to the complex new forces of international More >
As contemporary capitalism integrates the planet to an unprecedented extent, the international political economy defines and constitutes new forces, practices, and movements. Not only are More >
The fifth edition of this classic reader retains many of the articles that have made the book a must-assign for classes on development and political economy, but has been updated with 14 new More >