- 2023/245 pages
Asia-Pacific Small States:
Political Economies of Resilience
Hardcover: $98.00
ISBN: 978-1-955055-97-0
Ebook: $98.00
ISBN: 978-1-68585-949-7
Ebook: $98.00
ISBN: 978-1-68585-949-7
Both the spread of Covid-19 and the intense US-China rivalry have been sources of stress for national economies throughout Asia Pacific. The authors of Asia-Pacific Small States, eschewing the usual focus on the region's powerhouses, turn their attention instead to the coping strategies of the smaller economies. Showing how these smaller states have been navigating the current turbulent times, they shed light not only on national experiences and recovery strategies, but also on the importance of so-called marginal players in today's geopolitical competition among major powers.