International Political Economy

Worlds Apart: Civil Society and the Battle for Ethical Globalization
John D. Clark

In Worlds Apart, John Clark shows us how the same opportunities and threats that have caused such rapid change in the economic and corporate worlds are also transforming the citizen's    More >

U.S. Politics and the Global Economy:  Corporate Power, Conservative Shift
Ronald W. Cox and Daniel Skidmore-Hess

This thoughtful, highly original book investigates the influence of globalization on ideology and politics in the United States. Cox and Skidmore-Hess argue that U.S. policy increasingly    More >

Waging War with Gold: National Security and the Finance Domain Across the Ages
Charles A. Dainoff, Robert M. Farley, and Geoffrey F. Williams

"The sinews of war," posited Cicero, "are infinite money." Can the same be said of security? Tackling this thought-provoking question, the authors of Waging War with Gold    More >

Illicit Money: Financing Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century
Jessica Davis

Terrorists need money ... to recruit and train people, to buy weapons, to maintain safe houses, to carry out attacks. Which raises the question: how do they procure and protect funds to    More >

Guns and Butter: The Political Economy of International Security
Peter Dombrowski, editor

Reflecting the growing interest among scholars and practitioners in the relationship between security affairs and economics, this new volume explores the nature of that relationship in the    More >

China’s Financing in Latin America and the Caribbean
Enrique Dussel Peters

Over the first two decades of the twenty-first century, China has become not only the world's largest economy, but also its largest exporter, a major importer, and the second largest    More >

Latin America, China, and Great Power Competition: New Triangular Relationships
Enrique Dussel Peters

The emergence of Latin America and the Caribbean as an arena for US-China competition raises a number of important questions: What are China’s goals in LAC? Is its presence there a    More >

Latin American and Caribbean Overseas Foreign Direct Investment in China in the Twenty-First Century
Enrique Dussel Peters, editor

While overseas direct investment from China has been studied widely, OFDI to China has been largely ignored. Contributors to this volume pivot the conversation to examine macroeconomic and    More >

The Renegotiation of NAFTA. And China?
Enrique Dussel Peters, editor

After more than a year of negotiations, the differences between NAFTA and the new United States–Mexico–Canada agreement (USMCA) are minor—especially considering the initial    More >

China’s Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean: Conditions and Challenges
Enrique Dussel Peters, editor

In recent years, China's explosive outflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) globally can be measured in the hundreds of billions of dollars, with close to 10 billion of that going each    More >

China Moves West: The Evolving Strategies of the Belt and Road Initiative
Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Benjamin Houghton, and Jia Liu, editors

In September 2013, Xi Jinping announced the launch of a Chinese-led megaproject, the Belt and Road Initiative, that would transform Asia's position within the global economy. Some ten    More >

Crime and the Global Political Economy
H. Richard Friman, editor

Crime has gone global. Conventional explanations point to ways in which criminals have exploited technological innovations, deregulation, and free markets to triumph over state sovereignty.    More >

Business Power in Global Governance
Doris Fuchs

Has the political power of big business, particularly transnational corporations (TNCs), increased in our globalizing world? What, if anything, constrains TNCs? Analyzing the role of    More >

Advocacy Across Borders: NGOs, Anti-Sweatshop Activism and the Global Garment Industry
Shae Garwood

Particularly compelling reading after the April 2013 building collapse that killed more than 1,000 garment workers in Bangladesh, Advocacy Across Borders explores the strategies,    More >

International Political Economy: State-Market Relations in a Changing Global Order, 2nd Edition
C. Roe Goddard, Patrick Cronin, and Kishore C. Dash, editors

Introducing the classic and contemporary ideologies of international political economy, this anthology has been carefully constructed for classroom use. Articles representing contending    More >

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