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International Security: An Analytical Survey

Michael Sheehan
Michael Sheehan provides a masterly survey of the varied positions that scholars have adopted in interpreting "security"—one of the most contested terms in international relations—and proposes a synthesis that both widens and deepens our understanding of the concept. Sheehan first outlines the classical realist approach of Morgenthau and Carr and the ideas of their  More >

Interracial Contact and Social Change

George Yancey
In this thought-provoking analysis, George Yancey reevaluates the controversial "contact hypothesis" as he explores if and when interracial contact can combat the racial animosity and inequality permeating US society. Yancey draws on quantitative and qualitative investigations of interracial religious congregations, families, and friendships to demonstrate that extensive interactions  More >

Introducing Disability Studies, 2nd edition

Ronald J. Berger and Loren E. Wilbers
The new edition of this acclaimed text is an up-to-date introduction to the key themes, research, and controversies in disability studies.                  The authors' innovative approach offers thorough coverage of:     • diverse theoretical perspectives     • historical context, from  More >

Introducing Global Issues, 7th edition

Michael T. Snarr and D. Neil Snarr, editors
The half-decade since the 6th edition of Introducing Global Issues appeared has seen enormous changes in the international arena, perhaps most notably a move away from multilateral approaches to solving global problems—climate change, the Covid pandemic, conflict-driven migration, and more. Both the impact of those changes and possible paths to collaborative problem solving are at the center  More >

Introducing Social Stratification: The Causes and Consequences of Inequality

Kasturi DasGupta
Does everyone in the US have an equal chance to "make it"?  What explains the enduring power of racism and sexism? How does our sociopolitical system generate inequality? These are just a few of the questions explored in this accessible introduction to the complex problem of social stratification. Kasturi DasGupta clearly explains the social and economic mechanisms that serve to  More >

Inventing Local Democracy: Grassroots Politics in Brazil

Rebecca Neaera Abers
Countless studies of citizen participation in public decisionmaking point out the limitations of direct democracy when it is transported from the realm of political theory into the "real world." In contrast, this book examines a case where an innovative city government gave major decisionmaking power to ordinary citizens on a large scale—and managed to survive and prosper. Since  More >

Inventing North America: Canada, Mexico, and the United States

Guy Poitras
In the face of potent domestic and global forces, the U.S., Canada, and Mexico—the NA-3—have devised an enterprise that promises to draw them closer together in the twenty-first century. Inventing North America is an attempt to understand the NA-3's unique brand of regionalism within an increasingly globalized world. Poitras dissects the commonalities and differences among the  More >

Inventing Public Diplomacy: The Story of the U.S. Information Agency

Wilson P. Dizard Jr.
Public diplomacy—the uncertain art of winning public support abroad for one's government and its foreign policies—constitutes a critical instrument of U.S. policy in the wake of the Bush administration's recent military interventions and its renunciation of widely accepted international accords. Wilson Dizard Jr. offers the first comprehensive account of public  More >

Invisible Governance: International Secretariats in Global Politics

John Mathiason
John Mathiason, a member of the UN Secretariat for 25 years, offers a behind-the-scenes view of the work of a core, but often "invisible," element of world politics. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of a variety of international organizations, Mathiason traces the evolution of the international public sector, explains how secretariats function, discusses the creation of regimes to  More >

Iran: A Decade of War and Revolution

David Menashri
Menashri details the intricate political history of Iran's revolution, providing insightful portraits of its leading figures, as well as of their factions and the ideological conflicts among them. He also discusses Khomeyni's decisive role in almost all crucial events and decisions, Iran's internal problems—not the least of which is a worsening economy— and the history of  More >
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