Introducing Disability Studies, 2nd edition
  • 2021/299 pages
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Introducing Disability Studies, 2nd edition

Ronald J. Berger and Loren E. Wilbers
Paperback: $35.00
ISBN: 978-1-62637-925-1
Ebook: $32.50
ISBN: 978-1-62637-946-6
The new edition of this acclaimed text is an up-to-date introduction to the key themes, research, and controversies in disability studies.
The authors' innovative approach offers thorough coverage of:
    • diverse theoretical perspectives
    • historical context, from ancient times to the present
    • the impact of disability throughout the life course
    • a range of physical, sensory, and cognitive impairments
    • the place of disability in popular culture
    • ethical issues, such as genetic selection and physician-assisted suicide

While giving prominence to the voices of individuals, they provide a solid foundation for making sense of disability not only as a personal experience, but also as a social phenomenon.
Ronald J. Berger is professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater (UWW). Loren E. Wilbers is assistant professor of sociology and coordinator of the Family, Health, and Disability Studies Program at UWW.