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Transforming Capitalism and Patriarchy: Gender and Development in Africa

April A. Gordon
Using insights from feminist theory and political economy, Gordon examines the implications for women of current economic and political reform efforts in Africa. Much of the work on women in Africa argues that patriarchy and capitalism have collaborated in the exploitation and control of women to support dependent capitalist development; therefore, both are antithetical to the interests of women.  More >

Transforming Defense Capabilities: New Approaches for International Security

Scott Jasper, editor
In the face of today's security challenges, there is widespread recognition of the need to think and act in new ways to ensure both national and collective security interests. Transforming Defense Capabilities succinctly describes what transformation means in this context, why it is essential, and how to translate innovative concepts into relevant, feasible, and useful practice. The authors  More >

Transforming Rwanda: Challenges on the Road to Reconstruction

Jean-Paul Kimonyo
Since the end of its genocidal civil war in 1994, Rwanda has embarked on an ambitious, and often controversial, process of reconstruction. Jean-Paul Kimonyo comprehensively analyzes that process in the political, military, socioeconomic, and cultural arenas. Kimonyo combines the objectivity of a scholar with the front-row perspective of a participant to provide an unparalleled analysis of the  More >

Transition Without End: Nigerian Politics and Civil Society Under Babangida

Larry Diamond, Anthony Kirk-Greene, and Oyeleye Oyediran, editors
Since 1986, Nigeria has been struggling without success to return to a civilian, democratic form of government: as political parties, presidential candidates, economic reform programs, and top military officers have come and gone, the country has become mired in an authoritarian limbo, a transition without end. This wide-ranging study examines the rise and fall of democratic transition and  More >

Transnational Civil Society: An Introduction

Srilatha Batliwala and L. David Brown, editors
Transnational Civil Society provides an accessible introduction to the history, nature, and achievements of influential transnational civil society networks and movements. The authors examine important transnational movements in the areas of labor, the environment, human rights, women's rights, peace, and economic justice. Showing the breadth and depth of transnational civil society, they  More >

Transnational Organized Crime and International Security: Business as Usual?

Mats Berdal and Mónica Serrano, editors
Though the provision of illicit goods and services is far from being a new phenomenon, today's global economic environment has allowed transnational organized crime an unprecedented capacity to challenge states. The authors of this book examine the trends underlying the explosion of transnational organized crime and consider possible responses. Emphasizing the difficulties encountered by  More >

Trapped: Modern-Day Slavery in the Brazilian Amazon

Binka Le Breton
In huge ranches deep in the Amazon, thousands of migrant workers are trapped in a web of debt-bondage and deceit. Binka Le Breton sheds light on the lives of these workers, many of whom have lost all contact with their families and hometowns, providing a forum for them to tell their stories in their own words. Le Breton also reports on her interviews with those who benefit from the illegal  More >

Trends in Israeli Democracy: The Public's View

Yochanan Peres and Ephraim Yuchtman-Yaar
Questioning whether public support for democracy can be sustained during periods of crisis, the authors examine the attachment to democratic values and institutions in Israel, a country experiencing ongoing internal and external tensions. Ever since 1967, the long and bitter debate in Israel over the fate of the occupied territories and, more broadly, a just resolution to the Arab-Israeli  More >

Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Miracle or Model?

Lyn S. Graybill
Was South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) a "miracle" that depended on the unique leadership of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu? Or does it provide a working model for other traumatized nations? Addressing these questions, Lyn Graybill explores the political origins, theological underpinnings, and major achievements of the world's most ambitious truth  More >

Turkey and Its Neighbors: Foreign Relations in Transition

Ronald H. Linden, Ahmet O. Evin, Kemal Kirişci, Thomas Straubhaar, Nathalie Tocci, Juliette Tolay, Joshua W. Walker
Recent years have seen dramatic changes in the nature, direction, and impact of Turkey's foreign relations in its neighborhood—a region that encompasses Europe, the Middle East, the Black and Caspian seas, and the Caucasus. The authors of this original collection explore those changes, the causes behind them, and their impact on Turkey's ties with its traditional allies in the  More >
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