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Tourists, Migrants, and Refugees: Population Movements in Third World Development

Milica Z. Bookman
As travelers increasingly seek out the exotic wildlife and idyllic sunsets of the developing world, a complex relationship involving tourism, the migration of workers, and the involuntary displacement of peoples has emerged. Milica Bookman explores that relationship—and the connection between population movements and economic development in third world countries. Bookman's multicountry  More >

Toward Normalizing U.S.-Korea Relations: In Due Course?

Edward A. Olsen
Considering the future of U.S.-Korea relations, Edward Olsen first provides a rich assessment of the political, economic, and strategic factors that have shaped—and flawed—U.S. policy toward the Korean peninsula since WWII.   Olsen suggests that the prospect of permanent separation has become integral to U.S. policy toward both Korean states. Offering counterintuitive  More >

Toward Peace in Bosnia: Implementing the Dayton Accords

Elizabeth M. Cousens and Charles K. Cater
When the Dayton peace agreement was signed in 1995, there were expectations among the signatories, the Bosnian population, and the international community alike that the pact would not only end conflict among Bosnia's three armies, but also establish a political and social foundation for more robust peace. Recognizing that the latter goal—incorporating political reform and  More >

Toward Resolution? The Falklands/Malvinas Dispute

Wayne S. Smith, editor
To the British, they are the Falkland Islands; to the Argentines, the Malvinas. The dispute between the two countries over these remote islands has smoldered since 1833, when the British expelled the few Argentine settlers and established their own colony. A century-and-a-half later, in April 1982, Argentina seized the islands by force and war ensued. By June, the islands were again under British  More >

Tower of Dreams [a novel]

Kathryn K. Abdul-Baki
An innocent yet stinging—and always absorbing—account of the lives of two young expatriate girls in Kuwait in the 1960s. Isabel, the red-headed daughter of an American mother and Arab father, befriends Laila, whose family has left the lush, cool mountains of Lebanon in search of a better life in the heat and desert of Kuwait. Abdul-Baki presents the voices of both girls, telling their  More >

Township Economy: People, Spaces, and Practices

Andrew Charman, Leif Petersen, and Thireshen Govender
Township Economy provides unique insight into the nature of informal businesses and entrepreneurship in the townships of postapartheid South Africa and Namibia. The authors draw on evidence collected across nearly a decade, beginning in 2010, to focus on microenterprises, the business strategies of township entrepreneurs, and the impact of autonomous informal economic activities on urban life.  More >

Traditional Cures for Modern Conflicts: African Conflict “Medicine”

I. William Zartman, editor
Medical science has taken a new look at indigenous African healing practices, asking whether unique knowledge exists in traditional societies or whether Western and traditional societies developed the same knowledge with different names. In a similar vein, this study considers traditional African conflict-management practices. The authors identify the contributions of traditional mechanisms for  More >

Transacting Transition: The Micropolitics of Democracy Assistance in the Former Yugoslavia

Keith Brown, editor
Focusing on cases of international intervention in Kosovo, Serbia, and Macedonia, the authors of Transacting Transition explore how the mission and vision of "democracy promotion" is enacted on the ground—where principles of transparency, gender equality, and interethnic cooperation run up against the realities of political agendas, self-interest, and memories of conflict.  More >

Transcending Neoliberalism: Community-Based Development in Latin America

Henry Veltmeyer and Anthony O'Malley, editors
With a focus on community-based processes, Transcending Neoliberalism examines the dynamics of change in Latin America arising out of the search for alternative forms of development.  More >

Transformative Leadership in African Contexts: Strategies for Social Change

Sharlene Swartz, Tarryn De Kock, and Catherine A. Odora Hoppers, editors
Desmond Tutu once said, "There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river and find out why they are falling in." The authors of this innovative collection take these words to heart. Embracing a transformative leadership approach, they show how contemporary African leaders are meeting a broad range of challenges as they seek positive change in societies  More >
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