The Caribbean in the Pacific Century: Prospects for Caribbean-Pacific Cooperation
  • 1992/217 pages

The Caribbean in the Pacific Century:

Prospects for Caribbean-Pacific Cooperation

Jacqueline A. Braveboy-Wagner, with W. Marvin Will, Dennis J. Gayle, and Ivelaw Griffith
Hardcover: $42.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-195-6
Despite the current global focus on prospects for the integrated European market, there are many in the policymaking and business communities who believe that the next century will be a Pacific, rather than a European, one. Not only does U.S. trade with East Asia far exceed its trans-Atlantic commerce, but recent figures show that the countries of Asia Pacific account for more than 40 percent of the world's output of goods and services.

As the Pacific century approaches, Caribbean states are moving to diversify their foreign relations away from the traditional focus on Europe and North America. The authors of this book explore the commonalities and current links between the Asian-Pacific and Caribbean states and examine ways in which ties between the two groups can be deepened to their mutual benefit.

Jacqueline A. Braveboy-Wagner is professor of political science at the City College and the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York. She is president of the Caribbean Studies Association and author of Interpreting the Third World: Politics, Economics, and Social Issues and The Caribbean in World Affairs: Foreign Policies of the English Speaking Caribbean, among other books.