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Good Intentions: Pledges of Aid for Postconflict Recovery

Shepard Forman and Stewart Patrick, editors
This comparative study assesses the causes—and consequences—of failures to fulfill pledges of aid to postconflict societies. In each of six case studies, the coauthors (drawn from both donor states and recipient countries), evaluate multilateral efforts to support sustainable recovery and peacebuilding in societies emerging from protracted violence. They first establish the timing,  More >

Goodbye, Evil Eye: Stories

Gloria DeVidas Kirchheimer
National Jewish Book Awards Finalist! Humorous and endearing, while dealing with complex issues, the stories in Goodbye, Evil Eye reflect the tensions between Sephardic Jews and contemporary urban life in the United States. The characters—with their superstitions, myths, and contradictions, the still-palpable heritage of the Inquisition and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain—fight  More >

Governing Africa’s Changing Societies: Dynamics of Reform

Ellen M. Lust and Stephen N. Ndegwa, editors
What is the cumulative impact of the immense social, economic, and political changes that Africa has undergone in recent decades? What opportunities do those changes present to improve the lives of the continent's citizens? Countering the prevailing mood of pessimism in the face of disappointed expectations, the authors of Governing Africa's Changing Societies demonstrate the  More >

Governing Middle-Sized Cities: Studies in Mayoral Leadership

James R. Bowers and Wilbur C. Rich, editors
From Providence, Rhode Island, to Sacramento, California, from Rockford, Illinois, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, what mayors do—and how they do it—is crucially important to sustaining and revitalizing U.S. cities. Proceeding from this premise, Governing Middle-Sized Cities presents twelve case studies of mayoral leadership and creativity. Each study provides a brief background sketch of  More >

Governing the Americas: Assessing Multilateral Institutions

Gordon Mace, Jean-Philippe Thérien, and Paul Haslam, editors
Governing the Americas presents the first systematic assessment of the functioning of hemispheric institutions since the introduction of the Summit of the Americas process in 1994.   The authors evaluate the effectiveness of inter-American institutions with regard to core issues of democratic governance, security, trade, and economic development. They consider, as well, the impact of the  More >

Governing the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Between State Socialism and the European Union

John A. Scherpereel
Why do democratic leaders sometimes choose not to establish institutions that would promote the consolidation of democracy? And what are the consequences of those choices? Focusing on the cases of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, John Scherpereel explores the interplay of historical institutional legacies, short-term elite interests, and international pressures (i.e., EU conditionality) in the  More >

Governing the Environment: The Transformation of Environmental Regulation

Marc Allen Eisner
This comprehensive overview of US environmental regulation—from the inception of the EPA through the Bush administration—goes beyond traditional texts to consider alternatives to the existing regulatory regime, as well as the challenges posed by the global nature of environmental issues. Thoughtful and evenhanded, Governing the Environment covers the full range of topics relevant to  More >

Governing the Internet: The Emergence of an International Regime

Marcus Franda
Governing the Internet explores the many complex issues and challenges that confront governments, technocrats, business people, and others as they try to create and implement rules for a truly global, interoperable Internet. Though focusing on those countries that have the most advanced information technology infrastructures, Franda also discusses the development of the Internet in China as a  More >

Granting Justice: Cash, Care, and the Child Support Grant

Tessa Hochfeld
Inspired by the scholarship of US critical theorist and feminist Nancy Fraser, Granting Justice draws on the stories of six South African women who rely on financial assistance programs for their, and their children's, survival. Hochfeld’s pathbreaking study dives deeply into issues of both social and gender justice—and shows how institutional failure can affect individual lives.  More >

Great Ideas for Teaching About Africa

Misty L. Bastian and Jane L. Parpart, editors
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! This award-winning book presents a wealth of ideas for teaching African studies in a variety of disciplines. The authors present a wide range of approaches: from preparing African cuisines as a way to understand people-environment relations, to using the Internet to develop a virtual art history exhibit; from viewing an African film or assigning a novel to  More >
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