Governing the Internet: The Emergence of an International Regime
  • 2001/255 pages
  • iPolitics: Global Challenges in the Information Age

Governing the Internet:

The Emergence of an International Regime

Marcus Franda
Hardcover: $53.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-999-0
Governing the Internet explores the many complex issues and challenges that confront governments, technocrats, business people, and others as they try to create and implement rules for a truly global, interoperable Internet.

Though focusing on those countries that have the most advanced information technology infrastructures, Franda also discusses the development of the Internet in China as a test case for accommodating the majority of the world's citizens in an international regime. His further study of the Internet and international relations in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and central and eastern Europe will be published later this year.

Marcus Franda is professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland.