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Civil War in African States: The Search for Security

Ian S. Spears
How do disputants in Africa's civil wars—rebel movements, ethnic groups, state leaders—find security in the midst of anarchic situations? Why do some rebel movements pursue a secessionist agenda while others seek to overthrow the existing government? Under what circumstances will insurgents agree to share power? Proposing answers to these questions, Ian Spears offers a fresh  More >

Civil Wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1960-2010

Emizet François Kisangani
Wars of secession, ethnic wars, rebellions, and mutinies have been part of the political landscape of the Democratic Republic of Congo since the country became independent in 1960.  Why? And what can we learn from this seemingly unending series of internal conflicts?  Emizet François Kisangani explores these fundamental questions within a rigorously systematic and uniquely  More >

Civil-Military Relations: Control and Effectiveness Across Regimes

Thomas C. Bruneau and Aurel Croissant, editors
How does civilian control affect military effectiveness? Can a balance be achieved between the two? In-country experts address these questions through a set of rich comparative case studies. Covering the spectrum from democracies to authoritarian regimes, they explore the nexus of control and effectiveness to reveal its importance for national security and the legitimacy of both political order  More >

Civilians in War

Simon Chesterman, editor
In World War I, only 5 percent of all casualties were civilian; in World War II, that number was 50 percent; and in conflicts in the 1990s, civilians accounted for up to 90 percent of those killed. Clearly, the 1949 Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians, while recognizing the changing face of war, has not succeeded in reversing the trend. Focusing particularly on the intrastate  More >

Clash of Arms: How the Allies Won in Normandy

Russell A. Hart
A Choice Outstanding Book! Clash of Arms examines how the Western Allies learned—on the battlefield—to defeat the Nazi war machine. Beginning with an investigation of the interwar neglect that left the Allied militaries incapable of defeating Nazi aggression at the start of World War II, Hart examines the wartime paths the Allies took toward improved military effectiveness. He  More >

Class Dynamics of Agrarian Change

Henry Bernstein
Henry Bernstein argues that class dynamics should be the starting point of any analysis of agrarian change. Providing an accessible introduction to agrarian political economy, he shows clearly how the argument for "bringing class back in" provides an alternative to inherited conceptions of the agrarian question. He also ably illustrates what is at stake in different ways of thinking  More >

Clergy Sexual Abuse Litigation: Survivors Seeking Justice

Jennifer M. Balboni
Why did victims of Catholic clergy sexual abuse wait so long to come forward, and what did their recourse to the courts finally achieve? Jennifer Balboni explores the experiences of clergy sex abuse survivors who sought justice through the court system, highlighting the promise and shortfalls of civil litigation in providing justice. Balboni draws on cases across the country such as the  More >

Clinton’s War on Terror: Redefining US Security Strategy, 1993-2001

James D. Boys
In the aftermath of the catastrophic attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bill Clinton's time in office was portrayed as one in which vital opportunities to confront growing threats to US security were missed. Firmly challenging this characterization, James Boys explores the long-misunderstood approach adopted by the Clinton administration as it sought to define an effective response to  More >

Clothes and the Child: A Handbook of Children's Dress in England, 1500-1900

Anne Buck
Through the centuries children's clothes reflect the concerns of parents and shifts in fashions. The needs of the child, changing ideas on health and upbringing, evolving social attitudes, and new technology all find expression in their dress. Its development, and its changing relationship with contemporary adult dress, offer a revealing picture of the time, as each garment bears the imprint  More >

Coalition Politics and the Iraq War: Determinants of Choice

Daniel F. Baltrusaitis
Why do states join ad hoc military coalitions? What motivated South Korea to contribute significantly to the Iraq War "coalition of the willing," while such steadfast allies as Turkey and Germany resisted US pressure to become burden-sharing partners? Drawing on his extensive examination of South Korean, German, and Turkish politics in the approach to and during the Iraq War, Daniel  More >
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