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Citizenship in Latin America

Joseph S. Tulchin and Meg Ruthenburg, editors
Is democracy in Latin America in trouble, as many now argue? Or is the increasingly overt political participation of both "average" and marginalized citizens evidence to the contrary? This important collection focuses on citizenship to shed light on the dynamics and obstacles that the region's democracies now face.   The authors place citizenship in the context of democratic  More >

CIVICUS Global Survey of the State of Civil Society, Volume 2: Comparative Perspectives

V. Finn Heinrich and Lorenzo Fioramonti, editors
Volume 2 of the CIVICUS Global Survey of the State of Civil Society offers a wide-ranging analysis of key issues facing civil society worldwide. The authors draw on information collected by the CIVICUS Civil Society Index project in more than 45 countries to explore issues such as civil society’s accountability, its relations to the state and corporate sector, and its role in governance and  More >

CIVICUS Global Survey of the State of Civil Society, Volume1: Country Profiles

V. Finn Heinrich, editor
How can something as vast and contested as civil society be measured? Answering that question, the hundreds of members and partners that contribute to the CIVICUS Civil Society Index (CSI)  focus here not only on measurable, short-term indicators, but also on long-term and more complex processes that are often neglected elsewhere. Concise profiles of 44 countries consider such factors as  More >

Civil Remedies and Crime Prevention

Lorraine Green Mazerolle and Jan Roehl , editors
This anthology describes the use of civil remedies in policing and crime prevention programs in the US, the UK, and Australia. Civil remedies are procedures and sanctions provided in civil statutes and regulations that are used in programs to prevent crime. These remedies include efforts to persuade or coerce non-offending third parties, such as landlords and property owners, to take action in  More >

Civil Society and Development: A Critical Exploration

Jude Howell and Jenny Pearce
Now Available in Paperback! Incorporated into the discourse of academics, policymakers, and grassroots activists, of multilateral development agencies and local NGOs alike, "civil society" has become a topic of widespread discussion. But is there in fact any common understanding of the term? How useful is it when applied to the South, and what difference does it make to bring the  More >

Civil Society and Peacebuilding: A Critical Assessment

Thania Paffenholz, editor
Responding to the burgeoning interest in the role of civil society in peace processes, this groundbreaking collaborative effort identifies the constructive functions of civil society in support of peacebuilding both during and in the aftermath of armed conflict. The authors also highlight the factors that support those functions and the obstacles to their fulfillment. A comprehensive analytical  More >

Civil Society and the State in Africa

John W. Harbeson, Donald Rothchild, and Naomi Chazan, editors
This seminal book examines the potential value of the concept of civil society for enhancing the current understanding of state-society relations in Africa. The authors review the meanings of civil society in political philosophy, as well as alternative theoretical approaches to employing the concept in African settings. Considering both the patterns of emerging civil society in Africa and issues  More >

Civil Society in Syria and Iran: Activism in Authoritarian Contexts

Paul Aarts and Francesco Cavatorta, editors
What are the dynamics of civic activism in authoritarian regimes? How do new social actors—many of them informal, "below the radar" groups—interact with these regimes? What mechanisms do the power elite employ to deal with societal dissidence? The authors of Civil Society in Syria and Iran explore the nature of state-society relations in two countries that are experiencing  More >

Civil Society Under Strain: Counter-Terrorism Policy, Civil Society, and Aid Post-9/11

Jude Howell and Jeremy Lind, editors
As they investigate the convergence of security and development objectives following the attacks of September 11, 2001—in particular as this relates to civil society—the authors focus on four themes: the intersection of the "war on terror" regime and national politics, the increasing regulation of civil society, attempts to co-opt parts of civil society into security and  More >

Civil War and the Rule of Law: Security, Development, Human Rights

Agnès Hurwitz with Reyko Huang, editors
How do rule of law programs contribute to conflict management? What strategies best address the challenges to securing the rule of law in fragile countries? What place do rule of law policies have in efforts to achieve stable and equitable development? The authors of Civil War and the Rule of Law address these fundamental questions, analyzing rule of law programs in the context of conflict  More >
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