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Humanitarian Alert: NGO Information and its Impact on US Foreign Policy

Abby Stoddard
Do humanitarian NGOs function as autonomous—and even influential—nonstate actors with their own value-driven agendas? Or do they serve merely as the paid agents of national governments, providing a service-delivery function in line with those nations' foreign policy goals? Shedding light on this often-contentious issue, Abby Stoddard uses examples of US policy in the conflicts in  More >

Transacting Transition: The Micropolitics of Democracy Assistance in the Former Yugoslavia

Keith Brown, editor
Focusing on cases of international intervention in Kosovo, Serbia, and Macedonia, the authors of Transacting Transition explore how the mission and vision of "democracy promotion" is enacted on the ground—where principles of transparency, gender equality, and interethnic cooperation run up against the realities of political agendas, self-interest, and memories of conflict.  More >

A World Turned Upside Down: Social Ecological Approaches to Children in War Zones

Neil Boothby, Allison Strang, and Michael Wessells, editors
A World Turned Upside Down looks at children's experiences during war from a psychological and social ecological perspective, offering thoughtful observations and dispelling myths about the realities of growing up in conflict situations. In addition, each contributor points to ways to foster well-being and nurture the kinds of social connections that can liberate children from the pathologies  More >

Piecing a Democratic Quilt? Regional Organizations and Universal Norms

Edward McMahon and Scott Baker
Providing essential analysis and insights, Edward McMahon and Scott Baker assess the various approaches that regional organizations have been developing to promote their member- states' adherence to democratic principles.  More >

Development and the Private Sector: Consuming Interests

Deborah Eade and John Sayer, editors
Presenting both analytical chapters and case studies ranging from El Salvador, to Kenya, to Timor-Leste, the authors of Development and the Private Sector explore how the private sector can do less harm, and even do considerable good, by fostering equitable development.  More >

Cinderella or Cyberella? Empowering Women in the Knowledge Society

Nancy J. Hafkin and Sophia Huyer, editors
Considering the manifestations of gender inequalities in the access, use, and control of information and communication technologies—and how those inequalities can be erased—the authors of this stellar collection show how ICTs can provide opportunities for women to improve their incomes, gain awareness of their rights, and improve their own and their families’ well-being.  More >

Non-State Actors in the Human Rights Universe

George Andreopoulos, Zehra Kabasakal Arat, and Peter Juviler, editors
Departing from analyses that focus on the role of the state in the arena of human rights, the authors of this original collection offer conceptually sophisticated, but accessible, discussions of the role and responsibility of nonstate actors with regard to the violation, promotion, and protection of human rights.  More >

Peace Operations Seen From Below: UN Missions and Local People

Béatrice Pouligny
Béatrice Pouligny argues that much of what is being rebuilt in societies emerging from war —or in some cases what is continuing to be destroyed—often lies in the ordinary daily lives of both local populations and the staff of UN peacekeeping missions. Pouligny's close analysis of UN interventions—in Cambodia, Somalia, Mozambique, El Salvador, Bosnia, Haiti, Sierra  More >

Promises Not Kept: Poverty and the Betrayal of Third World Development, 7th edition

John Isbister
The seventh edition of this perennial favorite includes discussions of major initiatives such as the Millennium Development Goals, changes in international politics and approaches to global terrorism following the US-led military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and updated throughout.  More >

Budgeting for Women's Rights: Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW

Diane Elson, editor
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