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Surveying Crime in the 21st Century: Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the British Crime Survey

Mike Hough and Mike Maxfield
What can researchers glean from national crime surveys? And how must these research tools evolve to remain relevant? Addressing these questions, the authors highlight key findings of the British Crime Survey and the US National Crime Victimization Survey and outline innovations necessary for their continued usefulness.  More >

Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World, 3rd Edition

John Rapley
This accessible text provides both an assessment of the current state of development theory and an extensive survey of the impact of evolving policies and practices throughout the developing world. Rapley critically traces the evolution of development theory from its strong statist orientation in the early postwar period, through the neoclassical phase, to the present consensus on people-centered  More >

Global Politics in the Human Interest, 5th edition

Mel Gurtov
Traditional studies of world politics emphasize the struggle between states as they search for national security. But increasing interdependence has transformed the world political agenda, creating the need for new tools to explain the changing reality of global politics. Global Politics in the Human Interest provides those tools.   This fully revised fifth edition thoroughly covers  More >

The New European Union: Confronting the Challenges of Integration

Steve Wood and Wolfgang Quaisser
This concise but wide-ranging work explores the major political, economic, and strategic challenges confronting the European Union in the context of a rapidly changing geopolitical environment. Steve Wood and Wolfgang Quaisser consider the actors and issues at the center of current developments in the integration process. Beginning with some basic conceptual questions—for example, what is  More >

Tabloid Justice: Criminal Justice in an Age of Media Frenzy, 2nd Edition

Richard L. Fox, Robert W. Van Sickel, and Thomas L. Steiger
This new edition of Tabloid Justice reveals that, although the media focus on high-profile criminal trials is thought by many to have diminished in the years since the September 11 terrorist attacks, the polarized, partisan coverage of these trials has in fact continued unabated. The authors investigate the profoundly negative impact of the media's coverage of the criminal justice  More >

From Soldiers to Politicians: Transforming Rebel Movements After Civil War

Jeroen de Zeeuw, editor
In the transition from war-torn societies to stable multiparty democracies, what is the role of former rebel leaders? Can rebel movements effectively transform themselves from military to political organizations? From Soldiers to Politicians explores when and how militias succeed in reorienting their goals and practices toward legitimate political activities. The authors present eight  More >

World Disasters Report 2006: Focus on Neglected Crises

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Which people are missing out on humanitarian aid because no journalists report on them, no donors are interested in them, no agencies have assessed their needs, or because their governments ignore them? The 2006 World Disasters Report ventures into the shadows lying behind the more publicized disasters of 2005-2006. Combining first-hand reporting from the field with critical analysis of aid  More >

Transnational Civil Society: An Introduction

Srilatha Batliwala and L. David Brown, editors
Transnational Civil Society provides an accessible introduction to the history, nature, and achievements of influential transnational civil society networks and movements. The authors examine important transnational movements in the areas of labor, the environment, human rights, women's rights, peace, and economic justice. Showing the breadth and depth of transnational civil society, they  More >

More Pathways Out of Poverty

Sam Daley-Harris and Anna Awimbo, editors
More Pathways Out of Poverty, the follow-up to 2002's Pathways Out of Poverty and the companion book to the 2006 Global Microcredit Summit, explores new and revolutionary practices in microfinance. Illustrating both the potential and the challenges of microfinance, the books serves as a roadmap toward the goal of drastically reducing the number of people who live in a state of extreme poverty.  More >

The Poor Always Pay Back: The Grameen II Story

Asif Dowla and Dipal Barua
The Poor Always Pay Back demystifies Grameen II, an improved and more flexible version of the classical Grameen model that has been used to financially empower the poorest families in more than a hundred countries across the globe.  More >
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