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Republicans and the Black Vote

Michael K. Fauntroy
The Republican Party once enjoyed nearly unanimous support among African American voters; today, it can hardly maintain a foothold in the black community. Exploring how and why this shift occurred—as well as recent efforts to reverse it—Michael Fauntroy meticulously navigates the policy choices and political strategies that have driven a wedge between the GOP and its formerly stalwart  More >

Political Islam in West Africa: State-Society Relations Transformed

William F.S. Miles, editor
Long before the September 11 attacks galvanized Western attention on what has variously been called political Islam, Islamic fundamentalism, and Islamism, African nations with sizeable Muslim populations were experiencing significant transformations in the relationship between religion and state. Political Islam in West Africa explores those ongoing transformations in key countries of the Sahel  More >

Bioterrorism: Confronting a Complex Threat

Andreas Wenger and Reto Wollenmann, editors
Especially since the anthrax attacks of 2001, the issue of bioterrorism has been controversial: Are governments underestimating the potential hazard of biological toxins, as some claim, or is the danger in fact exaggerated? What are the policy options for dealing with such a complex threat? The authors of this book offer a reasoned assessment of the issues at the core of the  More >

Imagination for Crime Prevention: Essays in Honour of Ken Pease

Graham Farrell, Kate J. Bowers, Shane D. Johnson, and Mike Townsley
Drawing inspiration from the work of noted criminologist Ken Pease, the authors explore the role that imagination—matched with scientific rigor—can play in developing crime prevention strategies.  More >

Iraq: Preventing a New Generation of Conflict

Markus E. Bouillon, David M. Malone, and Ben Rowswell editors
Is an end to the violence in Iraq, and the establishment of an enduring peace within a unified state, a realistic goal? Addressing this question, the authors of Iraq Preventing a New Generation of Conflict consider the sources of conflict in the country and outline the requirements for a successful peacebuilding enterprise.  More >

The Morality of War: A Reader

David Kinsella and Craig L. Carr, editors
When and why is war justified? How, morally speaking, should wars be fought? The Morality of War confronts these challenging questions, surveying the fundamental principles and themes of the just war tradition through the words of the philosophers, jurists, and warriors who have shaped it. The collection begins with the foundational works of just war theory, as well as those of two competing  More >

Security and Development in the Pacific Islands: Social Resilience in Emerging States

M. Anne Brown, editor
Reflecting a growing awareness of the need to integrate security and development agendas in the field of conflict management, the authors of this original volume focus on the case of the Pacific Islands. In the process, they also reveal the sociopolitical diversity, cultural richness, and social resilience of a little-known region. Their work not only offers insight into the societies discussed,  More >

When Parties Prosper: The Uses of Electoral Success

Kay Lawson and Peter H. Merkl, editors
Have parties, and party systems, come back to life in the twenty-first century? Are they capable of playing their roles in ways that will foster rather than betray the public interest? These are among the questions explored in When Parties Prosper, a richly comparative, up-to-date, and accessible study of political parties in power in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.   Each country study in  More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2007

Center on International Cooperation
Unique in its breadth and depth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional organizations, by coalitions, and by individual nations—that is available. Features of the 2007 volume include:   an introductory essay on the priorities and processes crucial to  More >

Europe at Bay: In the Shadow of US Hegemony

Alan W. Cafruny and J. Magnus Ryner
Europe at Bay was completed just before the onset of the financial crisis, and two years before the Eurozone crisis emerged. In contrast to mainstream European integration scholarship that celebrated the Euro at the time, Alan Cafruny and Magnus Ryner issued warnings that have since been validated by events. Focusing on the underlying social forces and power relations in Europe, Cafruny and  More >
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