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Women in Iraq: The Gender Impact of International Sanctions

Yasmin Husein Al-Jawaheri
Yasmin Husein Al-Jawaheri argues that the explosion of violence against Iraqi women since the removal of Saddam Hussein should not have taken people by surprise. The deterioration of gender relations was in fact, as she vividly demonstrates, a direct result of a decade of international economic sanctions. Al-Jawaheri explores the gender-related impact of those sanctions in the areas of  More >

Kenya's Quest for Democracy: Taming Leviathan

Makau Mutua
Tracing the trajectory of postcolonial politics, Makau Mutua maps the political forces that have shaped contemporary Kenya. He also critically explores efforts on the part of both civil society and the political opposition to reform the state. Analyzing the tortuous efforts since independence to create a sustainable, democratic state, he uses the struggle over constitutional reform as a window for  More >

EU Enlargement and the Transatlantic Alliance: A Security Relationship in Flux

Sven Biscop and Johan Lembke, editors
What is the interplay between EU enlargement and a fluctuating transatlantic security partnership? Will the accession of new EU members reinforce this partnership, or instead increase the EU's assertiveness as an independent foreign policy actor? The authors of EU Enlargement and the Transatlantic Alliance find answers in an examination of broader EU security strategies, the foreign and  More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2008

Center on International Cooperation
Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional organizations, by coalitions, and by individual nations—that is available. Features of the 2008 volume include: a summary analysis of the trends and developments in peace operations through 2007 a  More >

How NGOs React: Globalization and Education Reform in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia

Iveta Silova and Gita Steiner-Khamsi
How NGOs React follows the Soros Foundation's educational reform programs in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia and raises larger questions about the role of NGOs in a centralist government, relationships NGOs have with international donors and development banks, and strategies NGOs use to interpret global reforms locally. The authors, all former or current educational experts of the  More >

Crafting EU Security Policy: In Pursuit of a European Identity

Stephanie B. Anderson
In the absence of external security threats—and especially given that most of the EU member states are also members of NATO—what explains the European Union's commitment to a distinct, common security policy? What justifies channeling funds from cash-strapped European governments to finance that policy?  Ranging from the early post -Cold War years to the present, Stephanie  More >

Civil War and the Rule of Law: Security, Development, Human Rights

Agnès Hurwitz with Reyko Huang, editors
How do rule of law programs contribute to conflict management? What strategies best address the challenges to securing the rule of law in fragile countries? What place do rule of law policies have in efforts to achieve stable and equitable development? The authors of Civil War and the Rule of Law address these fundamental questions, analyzing rule of law programs in the context of conflict  More >

The Political Economy of Oil in Alaska: Multinationals vs. the State

Jerry McBeath, Matthew Berman, Jonathan Rosenberg, and Mary F. Ehrlander
Does Alaska's reliance on oil and gas mean that it inevitably will be controlled by corporate energy interests? Or can the state use its vast resource holdings to manage a more symmetrical partnership? The Political Economy of Oil in Alaska investigates the complex relationship Alaska has with its most precious commodity. Offering a new perspective on the challenges of oil-dependent  More >

Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Conflict, and the Chavez Phenomenon

Steve Ellner
In this fresh look at Venezuelan politics, Steve Ellner emphasizes the central significance of the country's economic and social cleavages. Ellner's journey through modern Venezuelan history—observing popular masses and social actors as much as political elites and formal institutions—fundamentally informs his analysis of Hugo Chávez's presidency and the  More >

Problem-Oriented Policing and Crime Prevention, 2nd edition

Anthony A. Braga
Instead of merely reacting to crimes once they've been committed, can police agencies learn how to prevent offenses from occurring? Anthony Braga’s comprehensive analysis demonstrates clearly how the emerging problem-oriented policing approach is proving effective in preventing a wide range of criminal activities. Problem-Oriented Policing and Crime Prevention is the only book  More >
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