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Corruption and Development Aid: Confronting the Challenges

Georg Cremer
Although corruption has always been a quietly recognized aspect of development aid programs, the taboo against openly discussing it is only now being widely overcome. Georg Cremer systematically addresses the subject, exploring the nature and impact of corruption, the conditions under which it is most likely to take hold, and the strategies that can enable aid organizations, both NGOs and those in  More >

Building States to Build Peace

Charles T. Call with Vanessa Wyeth, editors
How can legitimate and sustainable states best be established in the aftermath of civil wars? And what role should international actors play in supporting the vital process? Addressing these questions, the authors of Building States to Peace explore the core challenges involved in institutionalizing postconflict states. The combination of thematic chapters and in-depth case studies covers the  More >

The World Bank and the Gods of Lending

Steve Berkman
Looking at the realities of the World Bank's loan programs in the developing world, Steve Berkman finds nothing but mismanagement and hypocrisy: decades of assistance without any significant improvement in the lives of the poor; billions loaned for improving governance, health care, and education with little to show for it; and donor funds given to dysfunctional government institutions or  More >

Political Change in China: Comparisons with Taiwan

Bruce Gilley and Larry Diamond, editors
How might China become a democracy? And what lessons, if any, might Taiwan's experience of democratization hold for China's future? The authors of this volume consider these questions, both through comparisons of Taiwan's historical experience with the current period of economic and social change in the PRC, and through more focused analysis of China's current, and possible future,  More >

Immigrants and Modern Racism: Reproducing Inequality

Beth Frankel Merenstein
With rising numbers of immigrants of color in the United States, sheer demographic change has long promised—falsely, it now seems—to solve the "race problem." Directly connecting the issues of race relations and immigrant incorporation, Beth Merenstein sheds light on what the changing contours of the US's racial and ethnic makeup mean for our dearly held concept of  More >

Driven by Drugs: US Policy Toward Colombia, 2nd Edition

Russell Crandall
In the years since the first edition of Driven by Drugs was published, there have been dramatic changes in US policy toward Colombia, as well as in domestic Colombian politics. This new edition traces developments in both arenas, bringing the story current through the administrations of George W. Bush and Álvaro Uribe.   More >

Peace through Health: How Health Professionals Can Work for a Less Violent World

Neil Arya and Joanna Santa Barbara, editors
The idea of working for peace through the health sector has sparked many innovative programs, described expertly and accessibly in Peace Through Health by professionals in the field.  More >

Democratic Reform in Japan: Assessing the Impact

Sherry L. Martin and Gill Steel, editors
Widespread dissatisfaction in Japan in the 1990s set the stage for numerous political reforms aimed at enhancing representation and accountability. But have these reforms in fact improved the quality of Japanese democracy? Through the lens of this question, the authors explore contemporary Japanese politics at the national, local, and grassroots levels. Their systematic analysis of when and how  More >

Taiwan's Security Policy: External Threats and Domestic Politics

Michael S. Chase
Confounding expectations, Taiwan reduced its military spending for many years even as its sole adversary, the People's Republic of China, modernized its military and significantly increased its defense budget. Michael Chase examines the key factors that have shaped Taiwan's security policy over a span of three decades. Chase explores both the role of US security assurances in formulating  More >

Party Politics in East Asia: Citizens, Elections, and Democratic Development

Russell J. Dalton, Doh Chull Shin, and Yun-han Chu, editors
Assessing the trajectory of democratization in East Asia, this volume offers a systematic and tightly integrated analysis of party-system development in countries across the region. The authors utilize unprecedented cross-national survey data to examine the institutional structure of party systems, the range of choices these systems represent, and their connection to voting preferences. They also  More >
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