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Sexual Minorities in Sports: Prejudice at Play

Melanie L. Sartore-Baldwin, editor
What does it mean to be gay, lesbian—or anyone else considered a sexual "other"—in the arena of competitive sports? With what consequences? The authors of Sexual Minorities in Sports shed light on the dynamics of sexual prejudice in venues ranging from high school athletics to the Olympics and the major leagues. Case studies of the experiences of LGBT athletes, coaches, and  More >

Poverty and Development in Latin America: Public Policies and Development Pathways

Henry Veltmeyer and Darcy Tetreault, editors
Why, despite some five decades of international development efforts, is poverty still so widespread in Latin America? More specifically, what are the root causes of poverty? How can it be overcome? What meaningful progress has resulted from the "war against poverty"? Through a critical analysis of public policies and development pathways, the authors of Poverty and Development in Latin  More >

Vice Presidents, Presidential Elections, and the Media: Second Fiddles in the Spotlight

Stacy G. Ulbig
Do vice presidential candidates play any significant role in presidential elections? Challenging the conventional wisdom, Stacy Ulbig shows the important ways in which they do in fact affect election outcomes. She also assesses the impact of a range of vice presidential candidates and considers how the news media fits in the equation. Analyzing data from 1972 through 2008, Ulbig shows clearly how  More >

Mobility Impairment and the Construction of Identity

Heather Ridolfo and Brian W. Ward
Heather Ridolfo and Brian Ward explore the experiences of people with impaired mobility, enhancing our understanding of why some embrace a disabled identity, why others reject it, and the personal and societal implications of both choices. Drawing on a combination of intimate interviews and statistical data, the authors unpack the ways that physical and social barriers shape personal ideas of  More >

Linking Disorders to Delinquency: Treating High-Risk Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

Christopher A. Mallett
Christopher Mallett explores developmental pathways to juvenile delinquency, disentangling key risk factors for offending—and not least, showing how contact with the justice system may only compound the problem.         Tracing a child's life from the earliest years through adolescence, Mallett investigates the processes by which mental health disorders,  More >

MDS-3: Managing Access to Medicines and Health Technologies

Management Sciences for Health, Inc.
For some three decades, Managing Drug Supply (MDS) has been the leading reference on how to manage essential medicines in developing countries. Now, reflecting some 15 years of dramatic changes in politics and public health priorities, advances in science and medicine, and the advent of information technology, this new edition covers the full range of issues that are important to today's  More >

Egypt’s Tahrir Revolution

Dan Tschirgi, Walid Kazziha, and Sean F. McMahon, editors
The 18-day revolt that ended Hosni Mubarak's 30 years of rule marked a historic turning point in the political fortunes not only of Egypt, but of the entire Middle East. While the impact of that seminal event will continue to unfold for years, this volume, written by members of the Department of Political Science at the American University in Cairo, presents an authoritative exploration of the  More >

Mexico and the United States: The Politics of Partnership

Peter H. Smith and Andrew Selee, editors
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the partnership between Mexico and the United States? What might be done to improve it? Exploring both policy and process, and ranging from issues of trade and development to concerns about migration, the environment, and crime, the authors of Mexico and the United States provide a comprehensive analysis of one of the world’s most complex bilateral  More >

Damascus Diary: An Inside Account of Hafez al-Assad's Peace Diplomacy, 1990-2000

Bouthaina Shaaban, with a foreword by Fred Lawson
Bouthaina Shaaban worked closely with Syria's president Hafez al-Assad from 1990 until the time of his death, serving as both official interpreter and adviser. Her new book, part memoir and part historical account, takes the reader behind the closed doors of the Syrian Presidential Palace to provide uniquely Syrian perceptions of the failed Arab-Israel peace talks. Sharing firsthand stories  More >

US Politics and Generation Y: Engaging the Millennials

David Rankin
How have the momentous events of the early 21st century affected the millennial generation's political awareness and action? What accounts for the widespread youth mobilization in support of Barack Obama during the 2008 elections? How do millennials differ from past generations in the ways that they engage in politics? Addressing these questions, David Rankin goes beyond the impact of  More >
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