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Confronting Climate Change: From Mitigation to Adaptation

John Barkdull
How to cope with climate change? Observing that efforts to mitigate rising temperatures are falling disastrously short, John Barkdull argues that policy must shift toward adaptation and considers what this entails. As he assesses climate policies and politics since the landmark 1992 Rio conference, Barkdull explores approaches to transformational adaptation that will allow us to survive in a much  More >

From Nuclear Weapons to Global Security: 75 Years of Research and Development at Sandia National Laboratories

Justin Quinn Olmstead and Leland Johnson
Sandia National Laboratories is one of the primary providers of the science, technology, and engineering capabilities needed to ensure both US and global security. Its mandate has moved far beyond its original weapons-centered mission—the development of nuclear weapons—and now encompasses complex economic, energy, environmental, and nonprofileration issues. From Nuclear Weapons to  More >

Debating Global Development

Daniel P. L. Chong and Capri Gutiérrez
Although global development and the alleviation of poverty are universal goals, experts frequently disagree heatedly about how to achieve them. The debates go on: Is liberalization the best way to stimulate economic growth, or should the state take a more active role? Is foreign aid effective in strengthening low-income countries? How should we deal with the challenges associated with poverty,  More >

Arctic Exceptionalism: Cooperation in a Contested World

Barry Scott Zellen
For some three centuries, the Arctic region has been a zone of collaborative governance. The interests of diverse sovereign states, indigenous peoples, NGOs, and other stakeholders have been aligned—even during periods of global conflict. Now, however, these consensus-based foundations are being tested. In Arctic Exceptionalism, Barry Scott Zellen considers: What explains the enduring  More >

Pivotal Poland: Europe's Rising Power

Janusz Bugajski
Russia's bold invasion of Ukraine precipitated a tectonic shift in European security dynamics, ending a relatively peaceful post–Cold War phase and moving the epicenter of European security eastward, to Poland. Janusz Bugajski explores the nature and context of Warsaw's determined efforts to shape NATO's eastern policy and to build a strong, modern military able to resist Russian  More >

Latin American and Caribbean Overseas Foreign Direct Investment in China in the Twenty-First Century

Enrique Dussel Peters, editor
While overseas direct investment from China has been studied widely, OFDI to China has been largely ignored. Contributors to this volume pivot the conversation to examine macroeconomic and historical features of investment flows to China from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and a range of Caribbean and Central American countries, framing each case study within wider bilateral socioeconomic  More >

From Regional Security to Global IR: An Intellectual Journey

Mohammed Ayoob, edited and with an introduction by Yong-Soo Eun and Amitav Acharya
Mohammed Ayoob's work in the field of international relations, spanning more than four decades, offers invaluable insights into both international conflicts and the security dynamics of the Global South. From Regional Security to Global IR presents a chronological selection of that work from 1989 to 2024, providing a guide to Ayoob's intellectual journey and advancing the concept of Global  More >

Asia Pacific in World Politics, 3rd edition

Derek McDougall
This new edition of Asia Pacific in World Politics reflects the impact of nearly a decade of significant events and shifts in the region: the escalation of the conflicts between China and the US and China and Taiwan, the changing regional role of Japan, growing numbers of refugees, the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia's increasing prominence, and much more. Updated throughout and designed to  More >

Hedging the China Threat: US-Taiwan Security Relations Since 1949

Shao-cheng Sun
The United States has never formally recognized Taiwan as a sovereign state, yet it has provided the country with security assistance since the establishment of the Republic of China (ROC) government there in 1949. What accounts for this equivocal stance? And how is the US leveraging Taiwan against China? To unpack this complex triangular relationship, Shao-cheng Sun explores the history of US  More >

Alex La Guma: The Exile Years, 1966–1985

Christopher J. Lee, editor
Looking beyond the novels and short stories of acclaimed South African writer Alex La Guma (1924–1985), Christopher Lee focuses on the nonfiction that La Guma produced during his years living in exile. Lee has gathered and annotated a plethora of La Guma's political commentary and other nonfiction pieces, along with transcripts of interviews, to show how the writer’s life and  More >
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