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Days of Dust [a novel]

Halim Barakat, translated by Trevor Le Gassickwith an introduction by Edward Said
Focusing on the interaction of finely portrayed characters from all elements of society, Days of Dust depicts the existential drama of the Six Days War as it was experienced on a personal level. The novel provides a remarkable perspective for comprehending Palestinian uprootedness and a people’s unceasing struggle for a homeland. First published in Arabic in 1969. This edition includes  More >

Men by Women

Janet Todd, editor

Jose Martí: Major Poems [Bilingual Edition]

José Martí, edited and with an introduction by Philip S. Foner and translated by Elinor Randall
With an added introduction to place the work in context, this edition presents Cuban poet José Martí's (1853-1895) most famous poems in both Spanish and English.  More >

Conversations on the Dresden Gallery

Louis Aragon and Jean Cocteau, translated by Francis Scarfe
This handsome volume presents the complete transcript of a fascinating encounter that took place in 1956. On that occasion, two great French poets, Louis Aragon and Jean Cocteau, came together foran extended conversation on art, the artist, and the creative process itself. The text is accompanied by full-color reproductions of seventy of the Dresden Gallery's most beautiful paintings and  More >

The Clubwoman As Feminist: True Womanhood Redefined, 1868 to 1914

Karen J. Blair

Europe's Economy in Crisis

Ralf Dahrendorf, editor

The Fall of Fortress Europe 1943-1945

Albert Seaton

Heremakhonon [a novel]

Maryse Condé, translated by Richard Philcox
Veronica Mercier, a sophisticated Caribbean woman teaching and living in Paris, journeys to West Africa in pursuit of her "identity." There, she becomes involved with a prominent political figure—and must find her way among the often misleading guises of ambition, idealism, and violence. Conveying a mosaic of feelings (from childhood and adolescence in Guadeloupe, university days  More >

French Cities in the Nineteenth Century: Class, Power, and Urbanization

John M. Merriman, editor

The Palestinian Wedding: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Palestinian Resistance Poetry

edited and translated by A.M. Elmessiri, illustrated by Kamal Boullata
The poems in this powerful bilingual collection range from the rhetorical lyricism of Tawfiq Zayyad to the complex, cosmic imagery of Walid al-Halis, from the romantic idiom of Salma al-Jayyusi to the edgy, convoluted style of Tawfiq Sayigh, all evoking Palestine, the never-forgotten homeland. The rich variety of the work is explored in Abdelwahab Elmessiri's extensive introduction and  More >
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