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Conversations on the Dresden Gallery

Louis Aragon and Jean Cocteau, translated by Francis Scarfe
Conversations on the Dresden Gallery
ISBN: 978-08419-0730-0
1982/166 pages
Distributed for Holmes & Meier Publishing

"[This] conversation on the Old Masters is. . . a spontaneous, illuminating dialogue such as one rarely hears nowadays."—Publishers Weekly


This handsome volume presents the complete transcript of a fascinating encounter that took place in 1956. On that occasion, two great French poets, Louis Aragon and Jean Cocteau, came together foran extended conversation on art, the artist, and the creative process itself.

The text is accompanied by full-color reproductions of seventy of the Dresden Gallery's most beautiful paintings and forty black-and-white reproductions of paintings not in the collections, but also discussed by Aragon and Cocteau.