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Tahitian Transformation: Gender and Capitalist Development in a Rural Society

Victoria S. Lockwood
As culturally diverse, non-Western communities are drawn into the international division of labor, capitalism takes root in a number of ways. This book describes how capitalism has become a part of the lives of rural Tahitians, starting with the arrival of Westerners to the islands and detailing the nature of the transformation wrought by missionaries, merchants, and French  More >

Intermediary NGOs: The Supporting Link in Grassroots Development

Thomas F. Carroll
Thomas Carroll presents a clear, accurate picture of the role and impact of NGOs in developing countries, along with case studies from Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru.  More >

The Russian Syndrome: One Thousand Years of Political Murder

Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, translated by Caroline B. Higgitt and with a forword by Adam B. Ulam

Argentina: Illusions and Realities, Second Edition

Gary W. Wynia
Throughout his thought-provoking assessment of Argentina, Gary W. Wynia offers and informed and sensitive view of a nation of wealth, pride, and sophistication that finds itself severely challenged in its attempt so achieve is goals, regardless of who is in charge. Among the topicsWynia covers are the causes and consequences of terrorism, repression, and war; the barriers to economic revoery; and  More >

Common Security and Nonoffensive Defense: A Neorealist Perspective

Bjorn Møller
Bjorn Møller explores the implications of switching to a new type of defense structure, nonoffensive defense (NOD), that would maintain an undiminished—or even improved—capability for defense while possessing no offensive capabilities. The advantages of such a switch, he posits, would be enhanced possibilities for arms control and disarmament, increased crisis stability, and the  More >

Environment and Diplomacy in the Americas

Heraldo Muñoz, editor
The deterioration of the environment in the Americas exacts urgent and decisive action—a diagnosis shared by all 34 member countries of the Organization of American States. Consequently, in 1990 the OAS began a process of diplomatic debates oriented toward creating an inter-American system of nature conservation. This effort culminated at the June 1991 General Assembly in Santiago de Chile,  More >

Trends in Israeli Democracy: The Public's View

Yochanan Peres and Ephraim Yuchtman-Yaar
Questioning whether public support for democracy can be sustained during periods of crisis, the authors examine the attachment to democratic values and institutions in Israel, a country experiencing ongoing internal and external tensions. Ever since 1967, the long and bitter debate in Israel over the fate of the occupied territories and, more broadly, a just resolution to the Arab-Israeli  More >

Gendered States: Feminist (Re)Visions of International Relations Theory

V. Spike Peterson, editor
While IR theorists are increasingly critical of neorealist assumptions about the state and the international system, few have explored the gendered construction of the state and its implications for IR. Recognizing this, the authors of this innovative collection explore how core concepts of political and IR theory—the state, sovereignty, power—are reframed through feminist  More >

World Agriculture and the GATT

William P. Avery, editor
Agriculture—central to the interests of both the rich industrialized countries, where it is heavily subsidized, and the poor nonindustrialized countries, where it is often the principal source of export earnings—has posed a problem for the global-free-trade regime since the beginning of the GATT. Multilateral trade negotiations have continually failed to bring agriculture into the  More >

The Caribbean in the Pacific Century: Prospects for Caribbean-Pacific Cooperation

Jacqueline A. Braveboy-Wagner, with W. Marvin Will, Dennis J. Gayle, and Ivelaw Griffith
Despite the current global focus on prospects for the integrated European market, there are many in the policymaking and business communities who believe that the next century will be a Pacific, rather than a European, one. Not only does U.S. trade with East Asia far exceed its trans-Atlantic commerce, but recent figures show that the countries of Asia Pacific account for more than 40 percent of  More >
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