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Ethnopolitics in the New Europe

John T. Ishiyama and Marijke Breuning
What makes some multiethnic states integrate and others descend into civil war? Ishiyama and Breuning extend traditional explanations centered on socioeconomic, cultural, and historical factors to argue that the actions of leaders of ethnic segments—too often ignored—are also critical determinants of policy outcomes. Applying a framework derived from comparative politics and IR  More >

Civil Remedies and Crime Prevention

Lorraine Green Mazerolle and Jan Roehl , editors
This anthology describes the use of civil remedies in policing and crime prevention programs in the US, the UK, and Australia. Civil remedies are procedures and sanctions provided in civil statutes and regulations that are used in programs to prevent crime. These remedies include efforts to persuade or coerce non-offending third parties, such as landlords and property owners, to take action in  More >

Multiple Realities of International Mediation

Marieke Kleiboer
Recent experiences have demonstrated once again the complexities of brokering an end to deep-rooted ethnic and international conflicts, as well as the difficulties of evaluating the outcomes of third- party interventions. Addressing these issues, this book offers a sophisticated approach to assessing mediation efforts and to reconstructing and interpreting mediation processes. Kleiboer develops  More >

Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Arab World, Vol. 2: Comparative Experiences

Bahgat Korany, Rex Brynen, and Paul Noble
Drawing on the theoretical insights offered in its companion volume, this book examines the processes of and prospects for political reform in 10 Arab countries—Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen—selected to demonstrate a broad range of contexts, trajectories, and political potentials. The authors have gone beyond the traditional  More >

Postconflict Elections, Democratization, and International Assistance

Krishna Kumar, editor
On the Humanitarian Times list of the Top Ten Books of 1998! With the resolution of intrastate conflicts in Africa, Central America, and Southeast Asia, and with new hope for the peaceful settlement of many still-existing conflicts, attention is turning to the issue of “free and fair” elections. This book examines the nature of postconflict (transition) elections, as well as the role  More >

The State of the European Union, Volume 4: Deepening and Widening

Pierre-Henri Laurent and Marc Maresceau, editors
The struggle between those who seek a more integrated, and even a federal, Europe and those proposing a looser confederation was once again highlighted at the 1996-1997 Intergovernmental Conference, and reflected in the IGC’s decisions. This fourth volume in the European Community Studies Association's biennial series examines the divisions within the EU in the key areas of the common  More >

Nongovernments: NGOs and the Political Development of the Third World

Julie Fisher
This definitive work on nongovernmental organizations provides a complete overview of the composition and the types of NGOs that have emerged in recent years. Julie Fisher describes in detail the influence these organizations have had on political systems throughout the world and the hope their existence  holds for the realization of sustainable development.  More >

Unarmed Bodyguards: International Accompaniment for the Protection of Human Rights

Liam Mahony and Luis Enrique Eguren
For years international accompaniment has been successfully implemented as a way to protect threatened human rights activists throughout the world. In this book, Mahoney and Eguren present examples of the inspirational practice from Latin America, the Caribbean, and South Asia. Interviews with those involved in international accompaniment, with the individuals who were being protected, and with  More >

Managing Drug Supply: The Selection, Procurement, Distribution, and Use of Pharmaceuticals, 2nd Edition

Management Sciences for Health, Inc.
This edition of Managing Drug Supply provides a complete overview, as well as step-by-step approaches, on how to manage pharmaceutical systems effectively.  More >

In the Cross Fire: A Political History of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

William J. Vizzard
In the aftermath of Ruby Ridge and Waco, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has become one of the most controversial of government agencies.  Yet, despite the headlines and congressional hearings, little has been written about the history and organizational culture of the bureau.  William Vizzard draws both on his 27 years of insider experience as a special agent and  More >
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