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Varieties of State Crime and Its Control

Jeffrey Ian Ross, editor
Topics include: Protecting Democracy by Controlling State Crime in Advanced Industrialized Countries; Controlling State Crime in the United Kingdom; Controlling State Crime in the United States of America: What Can We Do about the Thug State?; Controlling State Crime in Canada; Controlling State Crime in Israel: The Dichotomy between National Security versus Coercive Powers; Controlling State  More >

Japan's Navy: Politics and Paradox

Peter J. Woolley
Japan’s navy, after that of the United States, is now the most potent in the Pacific Ocean. This book examines the development and potential of the Japanese navy in the context of the U.S.–Japan alliance. Woolley presents Japan’s coming of age as a military—primarily naval—power in a series of case studies on sea-lane defense, minesweeping, and participation in UN  More >

Women, Culture, and International Relations

Vivienne Jabri and Eleanor O'Gorman, editors
This book expands the agenda of feminist IR by considering the heterogeneity of women’s voices in the realm of world politics, as well as the challenges that this diversity poses. The authors develop a theoretical discourse that incorporates the combined notions of difference and emancipation in a discussion of the agency of women and their transformative capacity. They use a normative  More >

Yambo Ouologuem: Postcolonial Writer, Islamic Militant

Christopher Wise, editor
From the appearance of Bound to Violence in the late 1960s, Yambo Ouologuem has been one of Africa's most controversial writers. For some critics, the young Malian signaled an entire new direction for African letters: a fiercely courageous postindependence literature. For others, his novel revealed too much, bringing to light horrors many preferred to ignore. Today Ouologuem is credited with  More >

State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa

Richard Joseph, editor
This seminal volume explores the most important dimensions of state formation and erosion, social conflict, and the gains and setbacks in democratization in contemporary Africa. The results of nearly a decade of research, reflection, and collegial interaction, the collection delineates the dominant patterns of political restructuring since the upheavals of the early 1990s.  More >

Restorative Juvenile Justice: Repairing the Harm of Youth Crime

Gordon Bazemore and Lode Walgrave, editors
An anthology includes 14 previously unpublished papers exploring the potential of restorative justice to serve as an overarching vision for the juvenile justice system and outlining a research agenda for the concept's further development. Earlier drafts of the papers were originally presented at a conference held in Leuven, Belgium in 1997. An introduction is provided by editors Gordon  More >

Biological Warfare: Modern Offense and Defense

Raymond A. Zilinskas, editor
Recent revelations about Iraqi and Soviet/Russian biological weapons programs and highly publicized events such as the deployment of anthrax and botulinum by the Aum Shinrikyo sect in Japan have made clear the necessity for addressing the issues of biological warfare and defense. In a comprehensive analysis of this imminent threat to global security, fourteen internationally recognized authorities  More >

Restructuring Political Power in China: Alliances and Opposition, 1978-1998

An Chen
This systematic study of China's structural transformation during the past two decades emphasizes the balance-of-power game so ably played by Deng Xiaoping and others among the post-Mao national leadership. Chen argues that to prevent party cadre opposition to market restructuring—the nemesis of change in other communist states—national leaders manipulated legislative channels and  More >

Reforming the State: Managerial Public Administration in Latin America

Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira and Peter Spink, editors
Neoconservative proposals for a minimal state notwithstanding, it has become increasingly clear in Latin America (and elsewhere) that the state must in fact be strengthened and the civil service reformed. This book contributes to the debate about the optimum role of the state, advancing the managerial approach to improving state capacity as far more effective than the bureaucratic  More >

Surveillance of Public Space: CCTV, Street Lighting and Crime Prevention

Kate Painter and Nick Tilley
An anthology includes nine previously unpublished studies and reviews that evaluate the uses of closed-circuit television (CCTV) and improvements to street lighting to help prevent crime in public spaces in the U.K. and elsewhere.  More >
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