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Surveillance of Public Space: CCTV, Street Lighting and Crime Prevention

Kate Painter and Nick Tilley
ISBN: 978-1-881798-22-4
1999/269 pages
Crime Prevention Studies, Volume 10
A CriminalJusticePress Project
"In addition to being an excellent resource book on cutting-edge surveillance crime prevention techniques, the collection raises ideological and political questions regarding the use of these technologies."—William E. Thornton, Criminal Justice Review 


An anthology includes nine previously unpublished studies and reviews that evaluate the uses of closed-circuit television (CCTV) and improvements to street lighting to help prevent crime in public spaces in the U.K. and elsewhere.


  • Introduction—the Editors.
  • Privatopia on Trial? Property Guardianship in the Suburbs—T. Hope.
  • A Review of Street Lighting Evaluations: Crime Reduction Effects—K. Pease.
  • Street Lighting and Crime: Diffusion of Benefits in the Stoke-on-Trent Project—K. Painter and D.P. Farrington.
  • A Review of CCTV Evaluations: Crime Reduction Effects and Attitudes Towards Its Use—C. Phillips.
  • CCTV and the Social Structuring of Surveillance—C. Norris and G. Armstrong.
  • Evaluating a `Realistic Evaluation':  Evidence from a Study of CCTV—M. Gill and V. Turbin.
  • Yes, It Works, No It Doesn't: Comparing the Effects of Open-Street CCTV in Two Adjacent Scottish Town Centres—J. Ditton and E. Short.
  • Burnley CCTV Evaluation—R. Armitage et al.
  • Context-Specific Measures of CCTV Effectiveness in the Retail Sector—A. Bech and A. Willis.