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Export Growth in Latin America: Policies and Performance

Carla Macario, with Regis Bonelli, Adriaan ten Kate, and Gunnar Niels
Although Latin American and Caribbean countries have assigned a high priority to increasing exports in recent years—substantially transforming their economies in the process—export performance in most cases remains deficient. This book investigates why this is so, identifying the policies that determine successes and failures in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. Each country case  More >

Presidential Transitions: From Politics to Practice

John P. Burke
Burke's detailed and comprehensive account of the four presidential transitions from Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton explores how each president-elect prepared to take office and carefully links those preparations to the performance and effectiveness of the new administration. Enriched by interviews with the key participants, this sobering tale of the difficulties that new presidents have  More >

Peacebuilding: A Field Guide

Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, editors
A milestone in the search for sustainable peace, this handbook highlights the invaluable contributions of people working in the field. The authors clarify how fieldworkers "fit" in the overall peacebuilding process; provide details of the most effective practices; and offer guidelines for preparing for the field. Part 1 of the book introduces concepts and tools for sustainable  More >

Human Rights: New Perspectives, New Realities

Adamantia Pollis and Peter Schwab, editors
This original collection reflects nearly two decades of developments in human rights scholarship, revisiting the debate between universalists and cultural relativists and also engaging new notions of "third generation" rights. The book begins with an analytical framework that encompasses changing perspectives on human rights and informs the chapters that follow. The case studies then  More >

Cuba: The Contours of Change

Susan Kaufman Purcell and David J. Rothkopf, editors
Though few observers dispute that change is coming to Cuba, there is a notable lack of consensus regarding the pace and direction of that change. The authors of this collection offer a range of views on the growing political and economic challenges facing the Castro regime, how those challenges will be met, and Cuba's prospects for a peaceful transition to democracy. The book also includes two  More >

Maghrebian Mosaic: A Literature in Transition

Mildred Mortimer, editor
Albert Memmi published the first anthology of francophone Maghrebian literature, he expressed his unhappy belief that francophone writing would quickly be eclipsed by Arabic. To the contrary, this volume demonstrates that the francophone writing of North Africa remains vibrant and prolific. Two distinct periods are evident in contemporary Maghrebian letters, producing the anticolonial works  More >

Nationalism and Politics: The Political Behavior of Nation States

Martha L. Cottam and Richard W. Cottam
As nationalism increasingly captures our attention through its impact on intercommunal violence and even the stability of states, this fresh look at the phenomenon plumbs an important aspect of its power: how nationalism affects the domestic and foreign-policy behavior of states. Systematically examining a range of states and societies, the Cottams draw on case studies from Africa, Europe, Latin  More >

Peacebuilding as Politics: Cultivating Peace in Fragile Societies

Elizabeth M. Cousens and Chetan Kumar, editors, with Karin Wermester
Although the idea of postconflict peacebuilding appeared to hold great promise after the end of the Cold War, within a very few years the opportunities for peacebuilding seemed to pale beside the obstacles to it. This volume examines the successes and failures of large-scale interventions to build peace in El Salvador, Cambodia, Haiti, Somalia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The authors shed light  More >

Latin America in the New International System

Joseph S. Tulchin and Ralph H. Espach, editors
Placing Latin America in the context of debates on economic globalization and the dramatically changing nature of the international system, this volume offers the perspectives of scholars and policymakers from across the Americas. The authors argue that the ongoing diversification of economic and strategic ties presents Latin American nations with new options—and also with dangers. A  More >

The International Political Economy of the Environment: Critical Perspectives

Dimitris Stevis and Valerie J. Assetto, editors
When considering the nature of environmental problems, many scholars and practitioners assume that—while there may be disagreement about solutions—we know what the problems are. In contrast, the authors of this volume investigate the framing of both problems and solutions to clarify the particular political dynamics and preferences that they reflect and legitimate. They test their  More >
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