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Superpower on Crusade: The Bush Doctrine in US Foreign Policy

Mel Gurtov
With its emphasis on unilateralism, preemptive attack, and regime change, US foreign policy under George W. Bush continued the longstanding US quest for primacy—but with some radical departures from previous approaches.   Superpower on Crusade offers a critical exploration of the origins and implementation of the Bush Doctrine. Gurtov first traces the sources of US missionary and  More >

China's Security: The New Roles of the Military

Mel Gurtov and Byong-Moo Hwang
This fresh appraisal of China’s military establishment in transition emphasizes the interplay of domestic and external forces. Showing how economic, technological, bureaucratic, and international factors have substantially reshaped Chinese military thinking and behavior, the authors question the popular perception of a “China threat.” Their closely reasoned analysis underscores  More >

Global Politics in the Human Interest, 5th edition

Mel Gurtov
Traditional studies of world politics emphasize the struggle between states as they search for national security. But increasing interdependence has transformed the world political agenda, creating the need for new tools to explain the changing reality of global politics. Global Politics in the Human Interest provides those tools.   This fully revised fifth edition thoroughly covers  More >

Will This Be China’s Century?: A Skeptic’s View

Mel Gurtov
Mel Gurtov takes issue with the widespread view that China is on the way to rivaling or even displacing the United States as the dominant world power. Gurtov identifies serious constraints that will keep the country's leadership focused for the foreseeable future on challenges at home. Arguing that China's economic rise has exacerbated problems of social inequality, environmental  More >

Europe in the New Century: Visions of an Emerging Superpower

Robert J. Guttman, editor
Europe in the New Century is an intriguing look at the future, drawing on the experience and foresight of the leading journalists working in Europe today, as well as the visions of heads of state, government ministers, corporate magnates, entrepreneurs, and young people from each of the fifteen European Union member countries. The contributors forecast what Europe might look like down the  More >

Democratic Reform in Africa: The Quality of Progress

E. Gyimah-Boadi, editor
After years of reform efforts in Africa, much of the optimism over the continent's prospects has been replaced by widespread "Afropessimism." But to what extent is either view well founded? Democratic Reform in Africa plumbs the key issues in the contemporary African experience—including intrastate conflict, corruption, and the development of civil society—highlighting  More >

Why Muslims Rebel: Repression and Resistance in the Islamic World

Mohammed M. Hafez, with a foreword by Fred Halliday
Now available in paperback! Rejecting theories of economic deprivation and psychological alienation, Mohammed Hafez offers a provocative analysis of the factors that contribute to protracted violence in the Muslim world today. Hafez combines a sophisticated theoretical approach and detailed case studies to show that the primary source of Islamist insurgencies lies in the repressive political  More >

Cinderella or Cyberella? Empowering Women in the Knowledge Society

Nancy J. Hafkin and Sophia Huyer, editors
Considering the manifestations of gender inequalities in the access, use, and control of information and communication technologies—and how those inequalities can be erased—the authors of this stellar collection show how ICTs can provide opportunities for women to improve their incomes, gain awareness of their rights, and improve their own and their families’ well-being.  More >

Safe Haven? A History of Refugees in America

David W. Haines
In his masterful study of the relationship between refugees and the United States, covering seven decades of immigration history, David Haines shows how both the refugees and their new communities have struggled with national and ethnic identities, and also the effect that this struggle has had on US institutions and attitudes.  More >

Little Mother of Russia: A Biography of Empress Marie Fedorovna

Coryne Hall
Coryn Hall presents us with a new and accessible biography of Empress Maire Fedorovna, who was married to Tsar Alexander III of Russia, and mother to Nicholas II . This insightful work—the first in over 40 years and the first in English—traces the empress's tragic life from little known daughter of the King of Denmark, to integral part of the Russian imperial family, through  More >
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