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The Alhazai of Maradi: Traditional Hausa Merchants in a Changing Sahelian City

Emmanuel Gregoire, translated by Benjamin H. Hardy
The West African town of Maradi, capital of a prestigious nineteenth century Hausa chiefdom, became a trading center during the colonial period, and after Niger's independence in 1960, its prosperity and growth accelerated. Maradi's population increase (from 9,000 inhabitants in 1954 to nearly 100,000 by 1986) was accompanied by rapid social change, including the emergence of a rich  More >

Public Enterprise in Kenya: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why

Barbara Grosh
Central to the development strategies of virtually all the sub-Saharan economies, public enterprises are nonetheless perceived as inefficient and unprofitable. Barbara Grosh examines the public enterprise system in Kenya and shows that, while average performance has indeed been poor, there has been a broad range of results—from excellent to abysmal—and many firms have performed well  More >

Reluctant Europeans: Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland in the Process of Integration

Sieglinde Gstöhl
Analyzing some thirty policy decisions across three countries and five decades, Sieglinde Gstöhl considers why some countries continue to be "reluctant Europeans."   Typically, small and highly industrialized states are expected to be more likely to integrate than are larger or less advanced countries. Why, then, did Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland choose for so long not to  More >

The Politics of Immigrant Workers: Labor Activism and Migration in the World Economy Since 1830, Revised Edition

Camille Guerin-Gonzales and Carl Strikwerda

The Ecopolitics of Development in the Third World

Robert P. Guimarães
Choice Outstanding Academic Book Honorable Mention, 1992 Sprout Award Equally a study of the ecological foundations of political systems and a detailed analysis of how a particular Third World political system, Brazil's, addresses environmental issues, this unusually engaging book explores the institutional and political dimensions of environmental problems in developing countries. Roberto  More >

Coming Out: The New Dynamics

Nicholas A. Guittar
Nicholas Guittar draws on deeply personal interviews with young people to enhance our understanding of "coming out," revealing the changing dynamics of sexual identity. Guittar explores how mainstream norms continue to assert their influence over those with nonnormative sexualities. He also highlights the wide spectrum of coming out experiences. His important work sheds light on why,  More >

Inclusive Development in Africa: Transformation of Global Relations

Vusi Gumede
What can—and should—be done to achieve effective development in Africa? Addressing this fundamental question, the authors offer specific suggestions emphasizing the need to both radically transform global power relations and to reform domestic socioeconomic policies.  More >

Indigenous Systems and Africa’s Development

Vusi Gumede, Mammo Muchie, and Ajebush Shafi, editors
In an effort to solve the enduring puzzle of slow economic and social development in Africa, the contributors to Indigenous Systems and Africa's Development advocate for a paradigm shift in both thinking and practice that would integrate indigenous knowledge systems into the development process.  More >

Offender Reentry: Beyond Crime and Punishment

Elaine Gunnison and Jacqueline B. Helfgott
In this comprehensive exploration of the core issues surrounding offender reentry, Elaine Gunnison and Jacqueline Helfgott highlight the constant tension between policies meant to ensure smooth reintegration and the social forces—especially the stigma of a criminal record—that can prevent it from happening. Gunnison and Helfgott focus on the factors that enhance reentry success as  More >

When Religion Kills: How Extremists Justify Violence Through Faith

Phil Gurski
Christian fundamentalists. Hindu nationalists. Islamic jihadists. Buddhist militants. Jewish extremists. Members of these and other religious groups have committed horrific acts of terrorist violence in recent decades. How is this possible? How do individuals use their religious beliefs to justify such actions? How do they manipulate the language and symbols of their faith to motivate others to  More >
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