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Independence and Revolution in Portuguese-Speaking Africa: Selected Articles and Interviews, 1980-1986

Tomaz Aquino de Bragança, edited and annotated by Marco Mondaini and Colin Darch
Tomaz Aquino de Bragança, a close adviser to former Mozambican president Samora Machel, dedicated his life to the liberation struggles of southern Africa. Before his death in a plane crash (along with President Machel) in 1986, he was a journalist, an academic, a diplomat, and a public intellectual known for his skill in sensitive and discreet political negotiation, most notably his role in  More >

Conversations on the Dresden Gallery

Louis Aragon and Jean Cocteau, translated by Francis Scarfe
This handsome volume presents the complete transcript of a fascinating encounter that took place in 1956. On that occasion, two great French poets, Louis Aragon and Jean Cocteau, came together foran extended conversation on art, the artist, and the creative process itself. The text is accompanied by full-color reproductions of seventy of the Dresden Gallery's most beautiful paintings and  More >

Making a Life in Multiethnic Miami: Immigration and the Rise of a Global City

Elizabeth M. Aranda, Sallie Hughes, and Elena Sabogal
With more than a million immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean, Miami, Florida, boasts the highest proportion of foreign-born residents of any US city. Charting the rise of Miami as a global city, Elizabeth Aranda, Sallie Hughes, and Elena Sabogal provide a panoramic study of the changing dynamics of the immigration experience.           More >

Intensive Interventions with High-Risk Youths: Promising Approaches in Juvenile Probation and Parole

T.L. Armstrong, editor
The current wave of juvenile intensive interventions appears to be gaining ever-increasing popularity and momentum. This book helps to ensure procedures that state the goals of the intervention, objectively clasify youths for possible participation, precisely match supervision and service types and levels to the appropriate clients, and produce hard outcome data about effectiveness.  More >

Critical Perspectives on Mongo Beti

Stephen H. Arnold, editor
Mongo Beti is the most prolific and widely read author from Cameroon, and his writings have called world attention to political corruption in his native country. These essays cover the three distinct periods of Beti’s greatest activity as a writer—the first, which ran from 1953 to 1958; the re-emergence that began in 1974; and the third phase, which Arnold traces to Beti’s brief  More >

Peace through Health: How Health Professionals Can Work for a Less Violent World

Neil Arya and Joanna Santa Barbara, editors
The idea of working for peace through the health sector has sparked many innovative programs, described expertly and accessibly in Peace Through Health by professionals in the field.  More >

Afterimages: A Family Memoir

Carol Ascher
In her moving reflection on growing up as the daughter of refugees from Hitler's Europe, Carol Ascher explores the conflicts of an émigré childhood and chronicles her return to Vienna to uncover her father's roots.  More >

Sex and Sexuality Among New York's Puerto Rican Youth

Marysol Asencio
Though Latinos are the youngest and most rapidly growing minority ethnic group in the U.S. today, their experiences with regard to sexuality have received little attention. Remedying this, Sex and Sexuality Among New York's Puerto Rican Youth draws on the voices of second-generation Puerto Rican adolescents in New York to illustrate the complex interactions of class, culture, and acculturation  More >

Countering China: US Responses to the Belt and Road Initiative

Edward Ashbee
By March 2022, a remarkable 144 countries had signed onto the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)—China's massive investment and infrastructure development program—with significant implications for US foreign policy. Edward Ashbee explores how the US has reacted to this global expansion of Chinese power, tracing the arc of policy responses to the BRI from its inception in 2013 through  More >

Learning to Live with Statistics: From Concept to Practice

David Asquith
Is it possible to demystify statistics? Can math phobia be overcome? Perhaps surprisingly, the answer is yes. Learning to Live with Statistics, based on years of teaching experience, explains basic statistical concepts and procedures in a straightforward, digestible way. Using familiar examples that highlight the relevance of the subject to everyday life, David Asquith provides clear  More >
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