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China Moves West: The Evolving Strategies of the Belt and Road Initiative

Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Benjamin Houghton, and Jia Liu, editors
In September 2013, Xi Jinping announced the launch of a Chinese-led megaproject, the Belt and Road Initiative, that would transform Asia's position within the global economy. Some ten years on, the BRI, while facing significant obstacles, has gone from strength to strength. How has China’s BRI diplomacy affected its image across Asia? What does the BRI mean for Sino-US competition?  More >

Governing the Environment: The Transformation of Environmental Regulation

Marc Allen Eisner
This comprehensive overview of US environmental regulation—from the inception of the EPA through the Bush administration—goes beyond traditional texts to consider alternatives to the existing regulatory regime, as well as the challenges posed by the global nature of environmental issues. Thoughtful and evenhanded, Governing the Environment covers the full range of topics relevant to  More >

Contemporary Regulatory Policy, 3rd Edition

Marc Allen Eisner, Jeff Worsham, Evan J. Ringquist, and Franchesca Nestor
The third edition of Contemporary Regulatory Policy brings this classic text completely up to date—reflecting more than a decade of policy changes and including an entirely new chapter on food safety regulation. Beyond their focus on seven key policy arenas, the authors confront the broad problems of partisan polarization and congressional gridlock. They also consider the significance of  More >

Iraq Disarmed: The Story Behind the Story of the Fall of Saddam

Rolf Ekéus
"The quest to disarm Iraq took place between two wars—one justified and right, the other a dreadful mistake, a violation of international law that led to hundreds of thousands of deaths."  With these unvarnished words, Rolf Ekéus begins his political-thrilleresque story of the disarmament of Iraq—and the machinations that ultimately led to the fall of Saddam  More >

Wind Driven Reed & Other Poems

Fouzi El-Asmar, translated by G. Kanazeh and Uri Davis
Poems of home and exile by Fouzi El-Asmar, a Palestinian poet and journalist. Most selections are presented in dual English/Arabic text.  More >

Last Glass of Tea and Other Stories

Mohamed El-Bisatie, edited and translated by Denys Johnson-Davies
A vivid portrait of the lives of the Egyptian poor, particularly in the Nile Delta region, emerges in this collection of 24 short stories. El-Bisatie offers glimpses of the daily struggles and activities of old men, young women, prisoners, war widows, and everyone in between. Masterfully crafted, his stories cultivate in the reader compassion, hatred, understanding, and suspense.  More >

Educated and Ignorant: Ultraorthodox Jewish Women and Their World

Tamar El-Or
This ethnography investigates the meaning of learning in the lives of ultraorthodox Jewish women. Presenting a vivid portrayal of the Gur Hasidic community in Israel, El-Or explores the relationship between women's literacy and their subordination. What she finds is a paradox: ultraorthodox women are taught to be ignorant. And they perform the role of being ignorant as only educated women  More >

Rethinking Peace

Robert Elias and Jennifer Turpin, editors
With the development of the atomic bomb, Albert Einstein remarked that everything had changed except our thinking about the world. Einstein and Bertrand Russell warned us that "we have to learn to think in a new way. . . . shall we put an end to the human race; or shall we renounce war?" Unfortunately, we are facing the end of this century still in the midst of wars of various  More >

The Jews of Latin America, 3rd Edition

Judith Laikin Elkin
When it was first published in 1980, Judith Laikin Elkin's foundational book on the Jewish communities of Latin America quickly became the standard resource on the topic. This new edition, the first in fifteen years, brings the story up-to-date, incorporating the events of recent decades and reflecting new insights provoked by the changing political, cultural, and economic conditions  More >

China in Latin America: The Whats and Wherefores

R. Evan Ellis
With China on the minds of many in Latin America—from politicians and union leaders to people on the street, from business students to senior bankers—a number of important questions arise. Why, for example, is China so rapidly expanding its ties with the region? What is the nature of the new connection, and how will it affect institutions, economic structures, politics, and society? R.  More >
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