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Samora Machel: Leader and Liberator in Southern Africa

Colin Darch and Devid Hedges, editors
The life story of Samora Machel (1933–1986) reads like a compelling novel: humble beginnings, a rise through the ranks of the Frelimo anticolonial liberation movement, successes and failures as president of the new People's Republic of Mozambique, and death in a mysterious plane crash. Telling Machel’s extraordinary story through a biographical introduction and transcripts of  More >

Disability and Identity: Negotiating Self in a Changing Society

Rosalyn Benjamin Darling
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Rosalyn Darling offers a sweeping examination of disability and identity, parsing the shifting forces that have shaped individual and societal understandings of ability and impairment across time. Darling focuses on the relationship between societal views and the self-conceptions of people with mental and physical impairments. She also illuminates the impact  More >

Introducing Social Stratification: The Causes and Consequences of Inequality

Kasturi DasGupta
Does everyone in the US have an equal chance to "make it"?  What explains the enduring power of racism and sexism? How does our sociopolitical system generate inequality? These are just a few of the questions explored in this accessible introduction to the complex problem of social stratification. Kasturi DasGupta clearly explains the social and economic mechanisms that serve to  More >

Dele's Child [a novel]

O.R. Dathorne
Guyana-born poet-novelist Dathorne’s powerful work, set against the background of a revolution, both political and spiritual, is a compelling account of the search for ancestry and legacy. The reader learns about the past, present, and future of the chief protagonists—Dele, the saintly whore; Pietro, the impotent medical practitioner; Ianty, the corrupt politician; and Stephan, who  More >

Women in Developing Countries: Assessing Strategies for Empowerment

Rekha Datta and Judith Kornberg, editors
For decades, researchers and policymakers have examined the impact of development programs on women—and evidence of sustained gender discrimination has inspired local, national, and international policy reforms. But has the empowerment movement increased women's control of resources? Has it had the desired effect on gender relations traditionally defined by patriarchal ideology and  More >

Orphan Care: A Comparative View

Jo Daugherty Bailey, editor
It is estimated that there are some 140 million orphans worldwide, most of them in transition countries such as Russia and Brazil or poorer regions of the developing world. In Orphan Care, contributors from Botswana, Brazil, China, Russia, Thailand, and Zimbabwe provide insider, on-the-ground perspectives on orphan care in their respective countries, covering the historical and socioeconomic  More >

Modern Rice Technology and Income Distribution in Asia

Cristina David and Keijiro Otsuka, editors
Two decades have passed since the introduction of modern rice varieties (MVs) and their accompanying technology in Asia. This volume looks at seven Asian countries—with widely diverse production environments and agrarian and policy structures—to determine to what extent the adoption of MVs only in the irrigated and the favorable rainfed-lowland areas has exacerbated inequalities in the  More >

The United Arab Emirates: A Study in Survival

Christopher M. Davidson
The United Arab Emirates has remained a mainstay of stability in an increasingly volatile Middle East, managing to maintain a traditional polity despite the impact of rapid modernization and globalization. This in-depth study explores the many contradictions that characterize the UAE and its position within the international system.   Davidson first provides a detailed historical  More >

Illicit Money: Financing Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century

Jessica Davis
Terrorists need money ... to recruit and train people, to buy weapons, to maintain safe houses, to carry out attacks. Which raises the question: how do they procure and protect funds to finance their operations? In Illicit Money, Jessica Davis thoroughly answers that question. Davis explores the full spectrum of terrorist finance, drawing on extensive case studies to dissect how individuals,  More >

Voices From Mutira: Change in the Lives of Rural Gikuyu Women, 1910-1995, 2nd Edition

Jean Davison
To update this rich, informative collection of life histories, Davison returned to Mutira in 1989, 1992, and 1994, documenting the changes occurring since her 1984 study. Six of the seven life histories in the first edition have been expanded to reflect the events of the last decade. Two new introductory chapters frame the life histories within the context both of the significant macrolevel  More >
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