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The Politics of Rapid Urbanization: Government and Growth in Modern Turkey

Micahel N. Danielson and Ruşen Keleş
The Politics of Rapid Urbanization: Government and Growth in Modern Turkey
ISBN: 978-08419-0951-9
1985/304 pages
Distributed for Holmes & Meier Publishers

"Timely and readable.... Rich in theoretical insight and important empirical data, this volume will prove useful to students and teachers of comparative urban development and urban planning, as well as to those interested in Middle Eastern politics."—Bibliographia IULA

"The book is very informative and will interest local government experts and political scientists."—International Review of Administrative Sciences


Turkey, like so many other nations in the twentieth century, has been transformed by rapid urbanization with the inevitable result of intense competition for land, jobs, public services, resources, and other rewards controlled by its highly centralized government. Focusing primarily on Istanbul and the modern planned city of Ankara, Micahel N. Danielson and Ruşen Keleş analyze the many aspects of Turkish government and politics—including governmental structure, public finance, bureaucracy, intergovernmental relations, political participation, special interest groups, and public policy—as they relate to the pattern of urban development. At the same time, the reciprocal consequences of urbanization for the Turkish political system are explored.