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The Russian Syndrome: One Thousand Years of Political Murder

Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, translated by Caroline B. Higgitt and with a forword by Adam B. Ulam


Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, translated by George Holoch
Vladimir Ilitch Lenin, who died in 1924 at the age of fifty-four, went through two distinct periods in his life. He spent twenty years in exile dreaming of the revolution and creating his political tool—the Communist Party—with the Russian Revolution happening in his absence. But eight months after the Revolution, in October 1917, he gained total power. Within four years, amidst a  More >

Intermediary NGOs: The Supporting Link in Grassroots Development

Thomas F. Carroll
Thomas Carroll presents a clear, accurate picture of the role and impact of NGOs in developing countries, along with case studies from Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru.  More >

Making US Foreign Policy: The Essentials, 2nd edition

Ralph G. Carter
Whether your approach to teaching US foreign policy is thematic, historical, case-study oriented, regional, or perhaps a blend of several approaches, Making US Foreign Policy: The Essentials is likely to be a text that you will want to assign as required reading. The text focuses on the most fundamental questions: Who makes foreign policy decisions? How? What accounts for particular decisions?  More >

The Nonprofit World: Civil Society and the Rise of the Nonprofit Sector

John Casey
John Casey explores the expanding global reach of nonprofit organizations, examining the increasingly influential role not only of prominent NGOs that work on hot-button global issues, but also of the thousands of smaller, little-known organizations that have an impact on people's daily lives. What do these nonprofits actually do? How and why have they grown exponentially? How are they  More >

Falcon Brigade: Combat and Command in Somalia and Haiti

Colonel Lawrence E. Casper, USA Ret.
Col. Lawrence E. Casper (U.S. Army-Ret.) narrates the first documented account by a military officer of the harrowing US operations in Somalia and Haiti. As commander of the Falcon Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, and the UN Quick Reaction Force (QRF), Casper experienced Operation Continue Hope first-hand. Falcon Brigade and Special Operations aviators shared the skies over Mogadishu on October  More >

Building the Future: Jewish Immigrant Intellectuals and the Making of Tsukunft

Steven Cassedy, editor and translator
First published in 1892, Di Tsukunft [The Future]—the world's oldest and longest-running Yiddish publication—was touted as a sophisticated monthly that would enlighten Jewish immigrants with its political savvy and intellectual content. Steven Cassedy has gathered and translated articles from Di Tsukunft’s inception through 1914, providing an invaluable window into Jewish  More >

Outsourcing Justice: The Role of Nonprofit Caseworkers in Pretrial Release Programs

Ursula Castellano
Do pretrial release programs, initiated and now operated by a range of nonprofit organizations to redress the inequalities of the bail system, affect the administration of justice? Specifically, do they lessen the barriers to justice often faced by poor and minority defendants? Ursula Castellano's ethnographic study of four pretrial release programs reveals the often unintended consequences of  More >

Driving Down the Cost of Drugs: Battling Big Pharma in the Statehouse

Ramón Castellblanch
How can health-access advocates beat the wealthy pharmaceutical industry, which has the biggest spending lobby in Washington? Ramón Castellblanch provides a ringside seat at the battle as he reveals how activists in Vermont, Maine, and California took on Big Pharma in their state legislatures to promote better and cheaper access to prescription drugs—and ultimately pushed Congress to  More >

Feminism & the Female Body: Liberating the Amazon Within

Shirley Castelnuovo and Sharon R. Guthrie
This book is about women’s willingness and desire to empower themselves not just mentally, but also physically—and about helping to transform domination related to gender, race, class, age, disability, and sexual orientation. While recognizing that feminism has been responsible for changing both the ways that society perceives women and how women perceive themselves, Castelnuovo and  More >
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