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What Is Political Islam?

Jocelyne Cesari
Honorable mention for ISA's Religion and International Relations Section Book Award! The debate continues unabated: Is political Islam decipherable through the tenets of the Islamic tradition—or is it a tool of secular actors who shrewdly misuse religious references? Is it an expression of modernity, or a return to the past? Eschewing these dichotomies, Jocelyne Cesari demystifies the  More >

Building Democracy in South Asia: India, Nepal, Pakistan

Maya Chadda
This original analysis of South Asia's political experience with democracy in the 1990s assumes that, if democratic norms are to be universalized, they must first absorb the interpretations and experiences of the non-Western countries. Chadda contends that any discussion of democratization must be founded on mapping its course amid the constraints of state consolidation, national integration,  More >

Why India Matters

Maya Chadda
Why is India's rise on the world stage so controversial? How can a state that is losing authority to its regions at the same time grow in international importance? Exploring an apparent paradox, Maya Chadda shows how culture, politics, wealth, and policy have combined to forge a distinctive Indian path to power, both nationally and in the international arena.  More >

Desenvolvimento: Politics and Economy in Brazil

Wilber Albert Chaffee
The Brazilian economy has long been characterized by rapid growth—but equally by high inflation and an extreme maldistribution of wealth, despite the strong international reputation of the country's economists. Seeking to explain this, Chaffee links political interest with economic policy, showing how short-term political needs have dominated over long-term economic values. The book begins  More >

Township Economy: People, Spaces, and Practices

Andrew Charman, Leif Petersen, and Thireshen Govender
Township Economy provides unique insight into the nature of informal businesses and entrepreneurship in the townships of postapartheid South Africa and Namibia. The authors draw on evidence collected across nearly a decade, beginning in 2010, to focus on microenterprises, the business strategies of township entrepreneurs, and the impact of autonomous informal economic activities on urban life.  More >

The Spaces of Neoliberalism: Land, Place, and Family in Latin America

Jacquelyn Chase, editor
In this exploration of people's responses to neoliberal market reforms in Latin America, the authors reveal the ways that local communities negotiate with market power and state policy in their daily lives. The focus of the book is threefold: the politics of land and land reform, the family as a space of negotiation between men and women in their new roles in labor market participation, and  More >

Taiwan's Security Policy: External Threats and Domestic Politics

Michael S. Chase
Confounding expectations, Taiwan reduced its military spending for many years even as its sole adversary, the People's Republic of China, modernized its military and significantly increased its defense budget. Michael Chase examines the key factors that have shaped Taiwan's security policy over a span of three decades. Chase explores both the role of US security assurances in formulating  More >

Women and the State in Post-Sandinista Nicaragua

Cynthia Chavez Metoyer
After winning a stunning and decisive victory in Nicaragua’s 1990 presidential election, Violeta Chamorro reversed much of the social and economic policy enacted by the previous Sandinista government. Cynthia Chavez Metoyer explores state-society relationships during the Chamorro administration, focusing on the effect that the postsocialist, neoliberal state has had on women. Metoyer first  More >

Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa, 3rd Edition

Naomi Chazan, Peter Lewis, Robert A. Mortimer, Donald Rothchild, and Stephen John Stedman
Recognized as the textbook on African politics, as well as an excellent resource for scholars, Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa analyzes the complexities and diversities of the African continent since independence. The authors provide a basic knowledge of political events; political structures, processes, problems, and trends; political economy; and international relations. Clearly  More >

Irredentism and International Politics

Naomi Chazan, editor
The attempt by sovereign states to incorporate the territories of ethnically related populations in neighboring countries is an outgrowth of the complexities inherent in the lack of coincidence of national and state boundaries. Irredentism and International Politics represents a pioneering effort to examine the theory, determinants, dynamics, and consequences of this phenomenon. The authors  More >
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