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Nuclear Debate: Deterrence and the Lapse of Faith

Robert W. Tucker
The Nuclear Debate explains public opposition to the nation's traditional nuclear weapons policies, clarifies the principal moral and political questions that underlie the debate, and discusses the future of this crucial issue.  More >

Latin America in the New International System

Joseph S. Tulchin and Ralph H. Espach, editors
Placing Latin America in the context of debates on economic globalization and the dramatically changing nature of the international system, this volume offers the perspectives of scholars and policymakers from across the Americas. The authors argue that the ongoing diversification of economic and strategic ties presents Latin American nations with new options—and also with dangers. A  More >

Security in the Caribbean Basin: The Challenge of Regional Cooperation

Joseph S. Tulchin and Ralph H. Espach, editors
Since the end of the Cold War, the security environment of the Caribbean Basin has dramatically changed from the containment of communism to a series of transnational threats—drug trafficking, migratory flows, economic crises, natural disasters—that demand cooperative, multilateral policies. This in turn, argue the authors of Security in the Caribbean Basin, calls for a redefinition of  More >

Democratic Governance and Social Inequality

Joseph S. Tulchin, editor, with Amelia Brown
This controversial book examines the challenges that social inequities present to democratic governance. The authors argue that issues of poverty and inequality—far from diminishing—are becoming even more important in the present global environment. They consider the effects of globalization on the distribution of income and wealth within state borders, the impact of inequality on the  More >

Latin America in International Politics: Challenging US Hegemony

Joseph S. Tulchin
In recent years, the countries of Latin America have moved out from under the shadow of the United States to become active players in the international system. What changed? Why? And why did it take so long for that change to happen? To answer those questions, Joseph S. Tulchin explores the evolving role of Latin American states in world affairs from the early days of independence to the  More >

Mexico's Politics and Society in Transition

Joseph S. Tulchin and Andrew D. Selee, editors
As electoral politics in Mexico have become more open and democratic, the country's economy also has been thoroughly restructured and new ideas about government, state-society relations, and Mexico's place in the international system have taken hold. Mexico's Politics and Society in Transition explores these interrelated trends. Offering fresh perspectives on the contemporary problems on the  More >

From Dictatorship to Democracy: Rebuilding Political Consensus in Chile

Joseph S. Tulchin and Augusto Varas, editors
Representing one of the first efforts to evaluate the transition to democracy in Chile, this book is the fruit of a meeting of key participants in the extraordinary effort at political convergence that made possible the victory over Pinochet in the Chilean plebiscite and the subsequent election of Patricio Alwyn to the presidency. The authors show how the various segments of Chilean politics  More >

Citizenship in Latin America

Joseph S. Tulchin and Meg Ruthenburg, editors
Is democracy in Latin America in trouble, as many now argue? Or is the increasingly overt political participation of both "average" and marginalized citizens evidence to the contrary? This important collection focuses on citizenship to shed light on the dynamics and obstacles that the region's democracies now face.   The authors place citizenship in the context of democratic  More >

Is There a Transition to Democracy in El Salvador?

Joseph S. Tulchin, editor, with Gary Bland
This timely book explores to what degree democracy has taken root in El Salvador, and to what extent the country can strengthen democratic, civilian-controlled government institutions. The authors highlight a number of key questions: Does the electoral process allow for a fair and impartial reflection of the popular will? Is U.S. policy aiding the cause of democracy—or strengthening an  More >

Economic Development and Environmental Protection in Latin America

Joseph S. Tulchin and Andrew I. Rudman, editors
This collection of original pieces addresses the need to reconcile economic growth and environmental protection in Latin America. The contributors—among them scholars, government officials, and development practitioners—provide a theoretical and practical discussion of sustainable development practices, explore alternatives to deforestation, consider the pros and cons of  More >
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