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Women and Film

Janet Todd, editor
This book examines the portrayal of women in film, as well as their involvement in the medium—as film-makers, screenwriters, actresses, critics, and characters. Distinguished North American and British scholars and film critics examine films such as Cukor's Women, Wilder's Sunset Boulevard, and Benton's Kramer vs. Kramer. Also included are articles on Jane Fonda, Marguerite  More >

Regulation and the Informal Economy: Microenterprises in Chile, Ecuador, and Jamaica

edited by Victor E. Tokman and Emilio Klein
The extent to which the regulatory environment in developing countries influences the characteristics and growth potential of the urban informal sector is an issue much debated today, in large part because of its strong association with policy measures. Of particular concern is the effect of regulations on microenterprises, in terms of both "start up" and the capacity for expansion. This  More >

Education and the Future of Latin America

Alejandro Toledo Manrique
What will it take to overcome the many challenges that Latin America faces in developing quality, inclusive education for its diverse population? That is the question at the heart of Alejandro Toledo's new book. Toledo begins from the premise that the uneven caliber of schools and universities in the region is only part of the problem. Drawing on his own childhood experiences living in deep  More >

Russia vs. the EU: The Competition for Influence in Post-Soviet States

Jakob Tolstrup
Do Russia and the European Union have any substantial influence over the political trajectories of post-Soviet states? Shedding new light on the interplay between domestic and external drivers of regime change, Jakob Tolstrup analyzes the impact of Russia and the EU on the democratization and autocratization processes in Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine.  More >

Contemporary Campus Life: Transformation, Manic Managerialism and Academentia

Keyan G. Tomaselli
Keyan Tomaselli's accessible critique of market-driven neoliberalism is offered as a metaphor to analyze the excesses, contradictions, and obstructions in contemporary university governance. With incisive satirical humor, Tomaselli delves into the quirks of  education administrative systems to show how manic management negatively affects teaching, research, science, and  More >

Richard Green in South African Film: Forging Creative New Directions

Keyan G. Tomaselli and Richard Green
Both a history and a critique of South Africa's film industry, this book recounts the long experience of filmmaker and producer Richard Green. Green's story—especially his work in forging the film initiative New Directions Africa—is emblematic of the struggles, negotiations, and competing ideologies that faced South Africa as it emerged from apartheid. He continues to be an  More >

Innovative Governance in the European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policymaking

Ingeborg Tömmel and Amy Verdun, editors
Do the traditional tools of governance make sense in the decidedly nontraditional political entity that is the European Union? Or are the realities of the unique EU system generating new, and sometimes eclectic approaches to policymaking? Responding to these questions, Innovative Governance in the European Union explores the emergence and development of governance approaches in a wide range of  More >

Working Class: Challenging Myths About Blue-Collar Labor

Jeff Torlina
Jeff Torlina challenges the conventional wisdom about the attitudes of blue-collar men toward their work. Torlina highlights the voices of pipe fitters, welders, carpenters, painters, locomotive assemblers, and factory workers to reveal the complexities—and advantages—of working-class life. This book is a penetrating critique of many commonly held assumptions, and a compelling case  More >

Foreign Economic Relations of the European Community: The Impact of Spain and Portugal

Alfred Tovias
Providing a wealth of primary source data on the European Community after the accession of Spain and Portugal, Alfred Tovias assesses the changes—demographic, economic, and cultural—that have occurred thus far as a result of the third enlargement and posits that a further result will be the development of new EC foreign policies. Tovias traces the evolving character of the EC and,  More >

Subregional Security Cooperation in the Third World

William T. Tow
Within the past decade, traditional regional security organizations formed during the Cold War have gradually been supplanted by more indigenous groupings designed specifically to address local security problems. Professor Tow argues that these subregional security organizations (SRSOs) have provided their members with a new self-confidence, encouraging them to formulate their common security  More >
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