- 2011/223 pages
Working Class:
Challenging Myths About Blue-Collar Labor
Hardcover: $65.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-756-6
Jeff Torlina challenges the conventional wisdom about the attitudes of blue-collar men toward their work.
Torlina highlights the voices of pipe fitters, welders, carpenters, painters, locomotive assemblers, and factory workers to reveal the complexities—and advantages—of working-class life. This book is a penetrating critique of many commonly held assumptions, and a compelling case for a new understanding of our social class system.
Torlina highlights the voices of pipe fitters, welders, carpenters, painters, locomotive assemblers, and factory workers to reveal the complexities—and advantages—of working-class life. This book is a penetrating critique of many commonly held assumptions, and a compelling case for a new understanding of our social class system.