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Anthropology in Practice: Building a Career Outside the Academy

Riall W. Nolan
How can students and scholars effectively prepare for—and succeed at—a career as a nonacademic practicing anthropologist? This comprehensive guide, full of practical detail, presents the answers. Nolan relates how students, recent graduates, and beginning professionals can acquire and use the skills essential for work as a practitioner. A key feature of his book is its comprehensive  More >

Political and Economic Liberalization: Dynamics and Linkages in Comparative Perspective

Gerd Nonneman, editor
Even amid the apparent post–Cold War consensus, the benefits and drawbacks of economic and political liberalization remain controversial. At the same time, explanations for the recent surge in these processes, and for the forms they have taken, remain fragmentary. Likewise, the linkages between the two remain under-researched—despite many sweeping assertions of a positive  More >

Bringing the Food Economy Home: Local Alternatives to Global Agribusiness

Helena Norberg-Hodge, Todd Merrifield, and Steven Gorelick
If the many social, environmental, and economic crises facing the planet are to be reversed, argue the authors of Bringing the Food Economy Home, local food economies must be rebuilt. Their thought-provoking analysis demonstrates how bringing food production to a local level revitalizes rural economies in both the developing and the industrialized worlds at the same time that it benefits consumers  More >

Politics and the Press: The News Media and Their Influences

edited by Pippa Norris, with a foreword by Marvin Kalb
Politics and the Press not only examines how journalists define the news; it also explores the role of the media in elections and the shaping of public opinion, as well as the reportage of the news on policy issues. This important work presents original research by a unique team of visiting scholars, journalists, and industry leaders at the Joan Shorenstein Center at Harvard University. Norris  More >

Rural Progress, Rural Decay: Neoliberal Adjustment Policies and Local Initiatives

Liisa L. North and John D. Cameron, editors
How do rural development programs, especially those run by nongovernmental organizations, cope in a time of structural adjustment programs and economical liberalization? Using Ecuador as a representative example, the authors of Rural Progress, Rural Decay explore the consequences of neoliberal macroeconomic policies for equitable development—and demonstrate that NGOs can make little headway  More >

Now the Synthesis: Capitalism, Socialism, and the New Social Contract

Richard Noyes, editor

Critical Perspectives on Christopher Okigbo

Donatus Ibe Nwoga, editor
A collection of essays and reviews, both favorable and negative, about the charismatic and popular Igbo poet who, at the age of 35, was killed by the advancing Nigerian army during the war of Biafran secession. The book begins with a memorial essay by Okigbo’s good friend Chinua Achebe. Other contributors examine the rich imagery that Okigbo drew from nature, history, and politics,  More >

Archie Mafeje

Bongani Nyoka
Noted for his academic prowess, quick wit, and tireless struggle both for pan-Africanist ideals and for the political emancipation of South Africans living under apartheid, Archie Mafeje has been hailed as a giant not only as a thinker, but also as a human being. His work addressed a broad range of issues critical to sub-Saharan Africa, among them agrarian reform, democracy, the politics of  More >

Movies, Myth, and the National Security State

Dan O’Meara, Alex Macleod, Frédérick Gagnon, and David Grondin
While analysts may agree that Hollywood movies have always both mirrored and helped to shape the tenor of their times, the question remains: Just how do they do it? And how do we identify the underlying political/ideological content of a film? Movies, Myth, and the National Security State answers these questions, exploring how Hollywood movies have served to propagate, or to debate, or  More >

Kosovo: An Unfinished Peace

William G. O'Neill
Despite the deployment of NATO forces in Kosovo and the UN's direct involvement in governing the province, such terrors as murder, disappearances, bombings, and arson have become routine occurrences. William O'Neill analyzes the nature of the violence that continues to plague Kosovo's residents and assesses efforts to guarantee public security. O'Neill considers how the particular  More >
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