The Congress Movement, Volume 1: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961
  • 2015/595 pages
  • Distributed for HSRC Press

The Congress Movement, Volume 1:

The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
Paperback: $35.00
ISBN: 978-0-7969-2486-5
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis. 

Volume 1 traces the unfolding of the congress movement from its beginnings early in the 20th Century and looks at socialist and other forces that played an integral part in its formation. The 1918-1920 upsurge, which included an African mineworkers' strike, played a key role in this development and laid the basis in the 1920s for a partnership between the ICU and ANC.
Sylvia Neame is a long-standing member of the African National Congress movement and the South African Communist Party. She is author of Imprisoned: The Experiences of a Prisoner of Apartheid and, most recently, The Drama of the Peace Process: I Look Back 30 Years.