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Environment and Diplomacy in the Americas

Heraldo Muñoz, editor
The deterioration of the environment in the Americas exacts urgent and decisive action—a diagnosis shared by all 34 member countries of the Organization of American States. Consequently, in 1990 the OAS began a process of diplomatic debates oriented toward creating an inter-American system of nature conservation. This effort culminated at the June 1991 General Assembly in Santiago de Chile,  More >

Democracy Rising: Assessing the Global Challenges

Heraldo Muñoz, editor
This timely assessment of both the progress toward democratic governance globally and the significant challenges that democracies face is the outcome of a seminar organized by the Community of Democracies. The Community is a group of more than a hundred countries devoted to the spread and consolidation of democracy around the world.    More >

The Problem of Force: Grappling with the Global Battlefield

Simon W. Murden
Why, despite indisputably superior military might, have the US-led military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq been so fraught with setbacks? Does it make sense in today’s security environment to use military force to achieve strategic objectives? How does the contemporary battlefield function? Addressing these questions, Simon Murden explores the contradictions inherent in attempting to  More >

Islam, the Middle East, and the New Global Hegemony

Simon W. Murden
Simon Murden investigates how Muslim societies in the Middle East are being affected by globalized politics and economics, and how they are adapting to it.   Murden describes how a Western-designed set of economic and political norms, institutions, and regimes has come to be a hegemonic system. His focus is on the encounter between the Islamic vision of society, with its emphasis on  More >

Creative Cities in Africa: Critical Architecture and Urbanism

Noëleen Murray and Jonathan Cane, editors
How have politicians, planners, and power brokers deployed—or not—notions of creativity across the history of African cities from the colonial era to the present? The contributors to Creative Cities in Africa address this question as they frame critical approaches to architecture and urbanism and explore new and alternative forms of writing, thinking, and making the city.  More >

Responding to School Violence: Confronting the Columbine Effect

Glenn W. Muschert, Stuart Henry, Nicole L. Bracy, and Anthony A. Peguero, editors
Why do so many school antiviolence programs backfire? And why do policymakers keep making the same mistakes? The authors of Responding to School Violence examine the pervasive rise of school security measures since the Columbine shootings, highlighting the unintended consequences of policymaking too often shaped by fear and sensationalism. Probing an array of now ubiquitous tactics and  More >

Ndabaningi Sithole: A Forgotten Founding Father

Tinashe Mushakavanhu, editor
Seismic shifts in Zimbabwe's politics since the 2017 demise of Robert Mugabe have generated renewed interest in Ndabaningi Sithole, the first president of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU). Tinashe Mushakavanhu brings this vanguard revolutionary back to center stage through a selection of his important political and literary works. The result is an important biographical mapping of  More >

Wangari Maathai's Registers of Freedom

Grace A Musila, editor
Wangari Maathai (1940-2011), founder of the Green Belt Movement and the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, was a tireless social, environmental, and political activist, as well as an accomplished scholar. A champion of democracy and human rights, she worked tenaciously to dismantle the forces that limit people's access to a dignified life across the Global South and  More >

The Weapons State: Proliferation and the Framing of Security

David Mutimer
The proliferation of all kinds of weapons (nuclear, chemical, biological, and even conventional) is emerging as a focal point for international security. This book shows how both the language used to talk about weapons proliferation and the practices adopted to respond to it serve to define the problem in ways that promote policy responses doomed to failure. Examining the metaphors that have been  More >

Kenya's Quest for Democracy: Taming Leviathan

Makau Mutua
Tracing the trajectory of postcolonial politics, Makau Mutua maps the political forces that have shaped contemporary Kenya. He also critically explores efforts on the part of both civil society and the political opposition to reform the state. Analyzing the tortuous efforts since independence to create a sustainable, democratic state, he uses the struggle over constitutional reform as a window for  More >
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