- 2024/256 pages
- Distributed for AISA, an imprint of HSRC Press
Noel Chabani Manganyi:
Being-While-Black-and-Alienated in Apartheid South Africa
Paperback: $45.00
ISBN: 978-0-7961-1025-1
Ebook: $45.00
ISBN: 978-0-7961-1026-8
This is fundamentally a book about race, antiblack racism, and the related problem of the alienation of human beings from one another, from their bodies, and from themselves, all within the context of apartheid and postapartheid South Africa.
Mabogo More critically engages with the work of Noel Chabani Manganyi (1940–), a prolific author and South Africa's first Black clinical psychologist, to reflect on race in South Africa today. As he explores Manganyi's concerns about apartheid racism's production of alienation among Black people, More argues that this devastating alienation continues, to the detriment both of individual Black South Africans and their entire society.
Mabogo More critically engages with the work of Noel Chabani Manganyi (1940–), a prolific author and South Africa's first Black clinical psychologist, to reflect on race in South Africa today. As he explores Manganyi's concerns about apartheid racism's production of alienation among Black people, More argues that this devastating alienation continues, to the detriment both of individual Black South Africans and their entire society.