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The Armies of East Asia: China, Taiwan, Japan, and the Koreas

Dennis Van Vranken Hickey
This comprehensive study provides a detailed analysis of the military buildup in the East Asian countries: China, Taiwan, Japan, and North and South Korea. Hickey assesses the capabilities, strategies, intentions, and performance of each government's military in the context of the potential for regional instability and conflict. In his concluding chapter, he also explores U.S. objectives in  More >

Taiwan's Security in the Changing International System

Dennis Van Vranken Hickey
One of the most critical tasks facing Taiwan's government in the post-Cold War era is the need to reassess its security environment. In this context, Hickey discusses the island's security concerns, the structure and composition of its armed forces, and its defensive strategy. He also explores the opportunities and challenges for Taipei generated by recent transformations in the  More >

The Destruction of the European Jews, student edition

Raul Hilberg
This student edition of The Destruction of the European Jews makes accessible for classroom use Raul Hilberg's landmark account of Germany's annihilation of Europe's Jewish communities in 1933-1945. Perhaps more than any other book, it answers the question: "How did it happen?"  More >

Identity in Algerian Politics: The Legacy of Colonial Rule

J.N.C. Hill
J.N.C. Hill explores the multiple causes of two decades of profound political change, social and economic upheaval, and bitter conflict in postindependence Algeria. Hill focuses on the relationship between identity and sociopolitical stability as he examines the trajectory of Algerian nation building.  How did French colonization and the war of liberation transform Algerian identities? How  More >

Hitler Attacks Pearl Harbor: Why the United States Declared War on Germany

Richard F. Hill
In the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor, U.S. politicians, policymakers, and citizens focused their desire for retribution not on the obvious target, Japan, but on Hitler's Germany. Richard Hill challenges a major point of conventional wisdom on U.S.-Axis relations to explain why the U.S. held Hitler responsible for the Japanese action—and why Hitler's December 11 declaration  More >

Understanding the Contemporary Caribbean, 2nd Edition

Richard S. Hillman and Thomas J. D’Agostino, editors
Carefully designed to enhance readers’ comprehension of the diversity and complexities of the region, Understanding the Contemporary Caribbean ranges in coverage from history to politics and economics, from the environment to ethnicity, from religion to the Caribbean diaspora. Each topic is covered in an accessible style, but with reference to the latest scholarship. This new edition has  More >

A Lonely Woman: Forugh Farrokhzad and Her Poetry

Michael C. Hillmann
A sensitive study of a great poet, one of only a handful of women who gained renown during the past 2,500 years of Persian history. During her life in post-Moseddeq, pre-Khomeini Iran, Farrokhzad (1935–1967) demonstrated a unique tenacity in striving for artistic freedom and individuality. Hillmann borrows freely from Farrokhzad's poetry and letters to weave a complex tapestry of the  More >

Policing Africa: Internal Security and the Limits of Liberalization

Alice Hills
The use and abuse of political power in Africa has been closely related to the role and function of the police. Alice Hills explores the impact of the cautious moves toward liberalization across the continent both on policing systems and on the relationship between those systems and national development. Hills engages contemporary debates on security sector reform, governance, law and justice,  More >

The Foreign Policies of Middle East States, 2nd edition

Raymond Hinnebusch and Anoushiravan Ehteshami, editors
This new edition of The Foreign Policies of Middle East States reflects the momentous events and shifting dynamics that have occurred in the region in the nearly fifteen years since the first edition was published. Working within a common analytical framework, the authors offer a theoretically grounded, systematic examination of the foreign policies of eleven states.  More >

The State on the Streets: Police and Politics in Argentina and Brazil

Mercedes S. Hinton
Winner of the British Society of Criminology's Best Book Award! How Latin American governments will respond to popular outcry against unprecedented levels of both corruption and crime ranks among the principal political questions of this decade. The State on the Streets focuses on the tense interplay of police, democracy, state, and civil society in the region, using the cases of Argentina  More >
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