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Addressing the State of the Union: The Evolution and Impact of the President's Big Speech

Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard
The State of the Union is no ordinary speech on at least two accounts: it is a fundamental statement of how a president approaches current policy debates, and it is the one presidential address that US citizens are most likely to hear each year. Donna Hoffman and Alison Howard document the political significance and legislative impact or, often, lack of impact of this most visible of  More >

Practicing Development: Upending Assumptions for Positive Change

Susan H. Holcombe and Marion Howard, editors
Practicing Development bridges the gap between academia and the world of practice to address challenges and propose concrete steps toward more equitable, effective, and sustainable development. The authors draw from their on-the-ground experiences as they discuss what "development" is, how to attain it, and what their findings mean for the funding and practice of development efforts.  More >

Snakes in Paradise: NGOs and the Aid Industry in Africa

Hans Holmén
Beginning in the 1980s, sub-Saharan Africa witnessed a veritable explosion of NGOs and CSOs engaged in efforts to develop the subcontinent. Often praised for their commitment, flexibility, close contact with grassroots movements and marginalized groups, these organizations have become the darlings of donors and the UN system. During the same period, however, rural Africa has sunk deeper into  More >

Protecting the Future: HIV Prevention, Care and Support Among Displaced and War-Affected Populations

Wendy Holmes (for the International Rescue Committee)
Protecting the Future outlines a practical, step-by-step process for the design and implementation of HIV programs among displaced and war-affected populations.  More >

Women, Islam, and Resistance in the Arab World

Maria Holt and Haifaa Jawad
How are women in the Arab world negotiating the male-dominated character of Islamist movements? Is their participation in the Islamic political project—including violent resistance against foreign invasion and occupation—the result of coercion, or of choice? Questioning assumptions about female powerlessness in Muslim societies, Maria Holt and Haifaa Jawad explore the resistance  More >

The Politics and Practice of Situational Crime Prevention

Ross Homel
An anthology evaluates programs to reduce crime and disorder related to alcohol and drug abuse in pubs, nightclubs, parks and elsewhere. Case studies are presented from Australia, Europe and North America.  More >

Policing for Prevention: Reducing Crime, Public Intoxication and Injury

Ross Homel, editor
Evaluates programs to reduce crime and disorder related to alcohol and drug abuse in pubs, nightclubs, parks and elsewhere. Case studies are presented from Australia, Europe and North America.  More >

How Context Matters: Linking Environmental Policy to People and Place

George Honadle
Presenting a unique method of looking at environmental policy formulation and implementation, George Honadle clarifies those elements of context that affect how policies work and outlines policymaking approaches that incorporate the important linkages among public policies, human behavior, and natural settings.  More >

The Time of Youth: Work, Social Change, and Politics in Africa

Alcinda M. Honwana
Most young Africans are living in a state of "waithood," argues Alcinda Honwana, finding themselves suspended in limbo between childhood and adulthood. Failed neoliberal economic policies, bad governance, and political instability have caused stable jobs to disappear; and without jobs that pay living wages, these young people cannot become fully participating members of society. But that  More >

Foreign Aid Toward the Millennium

Steven W. Hook, editor
Like world politics itself, the foreign-assistance regime of the late 1990s is characterized by fundamental change and widespread uncertainty. This book confronts these changes and considers, cross-nationally, how donor and recipient states are adapting their aid relationships to the transformed geopolitical environment. Combining the expertise of both area specialists and those focusing on  More >
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