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Studying While Black: Race, Education, and Emancipation in South African Universities

Sharlene Swartz, Alude Mahali, Relebohile Moletsane, Emma Arogundade, Nene Ernest Khalema, Adam Cooper, and Candice Groenewald
An intimate portrait of the university experiences of a diverse sample of South African students, Studying While Black highlights the centrality of both race and geography in the quest for education and, ultimately, emancipation. The book is the outcome of a five-year longitudinal qualitative study of eighty students from eight  universities. The authors, a team of researchers from the  More >

Moral Eyes: Youth and Justice in Cameroon, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and South Africa

Sharlene Swartz, Anye Nyamnjoh, Emma Arogundade, Jessica Breakey, and Abioseh Bockarie
Grappling with issues of privilege and injustice in four African countries, the authors of Moral Eyes draw on extensive interviews with university students to demonstrate how injustices not only evolve over time, but also find a place within the collective memory of young people. Their work, encompassing questions of religion, language, ethnicity, and race, powerfully demonstrates how injustice  More >

Electoral Malpractice in Asia: Bending the Rules

Netina Tan and Kharis Templeman, editors
What causes widespread abuse of the electoral process? How do political elites choose and weigh the relative costs and benefits of differing kinds of electoral manipulation? How and why have patterns of electoral conduct changed over time? The authors of Electoral Malpractice in Asia answer these questions and more as they systematically compare the quality of elections across eleven  More >

Security in South America: The Role of States and Regional Organizations

Rodrigo Tavares
What types of threats and conflicts affect the countries of South America? What roles can and should states and regional organizations play in maintaining both traditional and human security in the region? Ranging from armed conflicts, terrorism, and the arms trade to political crises, drug trafficking, and environmental concerns, Rodrigo Tavares provides a comprehensive discussion of the issues  More >

Black Nationalism in the United States: From Malcolm X to Barack Obama

James Lance Taylor
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Black nationalism. Is it an outdated political strategy? Or, as James Taylor argues in his rich, sweeping analysis, a logical response to the failure of post–civil rights politics? Taylor offers a provocative assessment of the contemporary relevance and interpretation of black nationalism as both a school of thought and a mode of mobilization.  More >

China's New Role in Africa

Ian Taylor
Ian Taylor explores the nature and implications of China's burgeoning role in Africa, arguing that Beijing is using Africa not only as a source of needed raw materials and potential new markets, but also to bolster its own position on the international stage. After tracing the history of Sino-African relations, Taylor addresses key current issues: What will be the long-term consequences,  More >

Creating a Better World: Interpreting Global Civil Society

Rupert Taylor, editor
The term "global civil society" has become a catchphrase of our times. But efforts to define and interpret what global civil society actually is have led to ambiguity and dispute. The authors of Creating a Better World present illustrative cases of groups within civil society—from the Seattle and Genoa protesters to transnational grassroots movements such as Slum/Shack Dwellers  More >

Business and the State in Southern Africa: The Politics of Economic Reform

Scott D. Taylor
Why are productive, development-supporting relations between business and government still so rare in Africa? Scott Taylor addresses this question, examining state-business coalitions as they emerge, and endure or collapse, in three representative countries: Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Taylor illuminates three possible trajectories: an abortive state-business coalition, as in Zambia; the  More >

How Drug Dealers Settle Disputes: Violent and Nonviolent Outcomes

Angela P. Taylor
In this compelling ethnographic study, Angela Taylor delivers an inside view of how drug dealers settle disputes—yielding rich insight into situational theories of violence and the nature of the drug trade. Taylor draws on firsthand accounts to address the following questions: What are the characteristics of drug-business disputes? How do such disputes move from initial confrontation to  More >

Nepad: Toward Africa's Development or Another False Start?

Ian Taylor
Enthusiastically embraced by African presidents, G-7 leaders, and the UN General Assembly alike, the New Partnership for Africa's Development has been advanced as the vehicle that will vitalize the continent's economies. Ian Taylor critically explores just what Nepad is, and what potential it has—or lacks—for promoting African development.  More >
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