Workers Without Frontiers: The Impact of Globalization on International Migration
  • 2000/163 pages

Workers Without Frontiers:

The Impact of Globalization on International Migration

Peter Stalker
Paperback: $25.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-881-8
This unique assessment of a complex and contentious issue brings together the latest information on international migration in the context of a global economy. Redressing a gap in most discussions of globalization, Stalker examines how migration interacts with movements of goods and capital, and how it is closely tied to social and economic changes. He makes starkly clear the major impact that economic convergence is likely to have on migrant flows, and with
Peter Stalker has long been associated with the ILO, the UNDP, and the New Internationalist. He is author of the widely acclaimed ILO book The Work of Strangers: A Survey of International Labour Migration.