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Women in Alcoholics Anonymous: Recovery and Empowerment

Jolene M. Sanders
Can a recovery program like Alcoholics Anonymous inadvertently discourage women from seeking treatment? Are there ways that it can more effectively contribute to their sobriety? Combining individual personal narratives with statistical data, Jolene Sanders offers valuable insight into how women adapt the twelve-step program and interact with the masculine culture of AA in ways that allow them to  More >

US-China Nuclear Relations: The Impact of Strategic Triangles

David Santoro, editor
Though China remains a relatively weak nuclear power, it has in recent years become central to US strategic policymaking. What explains this shift? How is the US-China strategic nuclear relationship evolving? What role do other states play in shaping it?   To address these questions, the authors of US-China Nuclear Relations examine a series of strategic triangles involving China, the US,  More >

Insuring Children’s Health: Contentious Politics and Public Policy

Alice Sardell
Assuring that low-income children have health coverage would seem to be a noncontroversial and popular issue. Yet, the policy history of US children’s health insurance is full of drama, and the fate of the federal State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) has been marked by ideological conflict and two presidential vetoes. Why? Alice Sardell answers this question through an  More >

The U.S. Army in a New Security Era

Sam C. Sarkesian and John Allen Williams, editors
Grappling with the constraints and opportunities the U.S. Army faces in designing policy and strategic options for the post-INF era, a select group of scholars, military officers, and policymakers outline the current strategic posture of the army, the challenges of the future, and the steps needed to meet those challenges.   The book is the outgrowth of a workshop held to address issues  More >

Jacksonian Jew: The Two Worlds of Mordecai Noah

Jonathan D. Sarna

The American Jewish Experience, 2nd edition

Jonathan D. Sarna, editor
Offering a range of the liveliest, most informative writing on Jews in America from colonial times to the present, the revised edition of this popular collection, with nine new chapters, explores both contemporary issues and traditional areas of interest. An editor's note preceding each chapter highlights context and relevance, and a bibliographic essay follows each section.  More >

Sexual Minorities in Sports: Prejudice at Play

Melanie L. Sartore-Baldwin, editor
What does it mean to be gay, lesbian—or anyone else considered a sexual "other"—in the arena of competitive sports? With what consequences? The authors of Sexual Minorities in Sports shed light on the dynamics of sexual prejudice in venues ranging from high school athletics to the Olympics and the major leagues. Case studies of the experiences of LGBT athletes, coaches, and  More >

Daughters of Sarah: Anthology of Jewish Women Writing in French

Eva Martin Sartori and Madeleine Cottenet-Hage, editors
National Jewish Book Awards Finalist! The editors have gathered a treasure trove of excerpts (some translated into English for the first time) from a variety of genres—novels, short stories, letters, plays, poetry, autobiographies—to showcase the work of both well-known and less familiar French Jewish women writers from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. The collection  More >

Beyond Plunder: Toward Democratic Governance in Liberia

Amos Sawyer
Can a stable political order be established in Liberia in the aftermath of the collapse of governance and a horrendous period of pillage and carnage? Amos Sawyer argues that the task can indeed be accomplished—but only in the context of new constitutional arrangements and governing institutions that differ markedly from those of the past. Sawyer draws deeply on his experience as head of  More >

Politics, Parties, and Elections in Turkey

Sabri Sayari and Yilmaz Esmer
The Turkish party system has undergone significant changes since the 1940s, moving from a two-party system to one encompassing nineteen parties— and resulting in a highly fragmented parliament. The contributors to this volume assess the intertwined effects of party fragmentation and voter volatility in Turkey. Presenting a wealth of data, they illuminate the trajectory of democratic  More >
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