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Piety and Poverty: Working-Class Religion in Berlin, London, and New York, 1820–1914

Hugh McLeod
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Drawing on moving personal accounts—letters, oral histories, and memoirs—as well as original documentary evidence found in parish records, histories, and demographic data, Hugh McLeod explores the role of religion in the everyday life of working-class communities. The book reveals how belief and unbelief are related to the experiences of poverty,  More >

Ken Saro-Wiwa: Writer and Political Activist

Craig McLuckie and Aubrey McPhail, editors
The shocking execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa at the hands of the Nigerian government in 1995 stirred new interest in the many facets of his life—as novelist and short story writer, radio and television personality, publisher and entrepreneur, political and environmental activist. This interdisciplinary collection critically assesses Saro-Wiwa’s exceptional life and work from a range of  More >

Critical Perspectives on Dennis Brutus

Craig W. McLuckie and Patrick J. Colbert, editors
Poet, activist, teacher, and scholar, Dennis Brutus is one of the foremost names in African literature—as a creative force, a cultural influence, and a personality. Exploring Brutus's life and writings, this collection opens with a biographical introduction to his "art and activism," covering his childhood, his university days, his arrest and imprisonment in 1964–1965, his  More >

Piecing a Democratic Quilt? Regional Organizations and Universal Norms

Edward McMahon and Scott Baker
Providing essential analysis and insights, Edward McMahon and Scott Baker assess the various approaches that regional organizations have been developing to promote their member- states' adherence to democratic principles.  More >

Unequal Freedoms: The Global Market as an Ethical System

John McMurtry
This is the intelligent citizen's complete guide to the theory and practice of the global market, with clear and direct applicability to everyday life-experiences and emerging controversies and debates. This moral philosopher offers a step-by-step analysis of the global order as an ethical system, employing easy-to-follow arguments and focused analyses that are intelligible and interesting to  More >

Perspectives on Identity Theft

Megan M. McNally and Graeme R. Newman, editors
Presenting new research on the crime of identity theft, the authors of this volume focus on situational measures to protect sensitive personal information.  More >

The World Since 1945: A History of International Relations, 8th edition

Wayne C. McWilliams and Harry Piotrowski
New emphasis on the impacts of globalization, events in the Middle East, and political and economic changes in East Asia—as well as new information and maps throughout—are among the features of this thoroughly revised edition of The World Since 1945. The text traces the major political, economic, and ideological patterns that have evolved in the global arena from the end of World  More >

Political Islam in Southeast Asia

Gordon P. Means
Gordon Means traces the evolution of Islamic politics in Southeast Asia, ranging from the early arrival of Islam in the region to the challenges it generates, and faces, today. Means’s analysis encompasses the events and actions shaping Islamic politics, as well as the impact of Islamic politics on government and public policy outcomes. It also offers insightful answers to such questions  More >

The Later Middle Ages

Stephen Medcalf, editor

Peace in Tatters: Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East

Yoram Meital
Peace in Tatters was born in a set of questions with which the author, an Israeli scholar, has struggled for some years: What went wrong in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process before the July 2000 Camp David summit and during the crucial negotiations? How have the dominant narratives about the collapse of the peace process been crafted? Does the ongoing crisis mark the end of the road for the  More >
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