Security & Intelligence Studies

The Polar Pivot: Great Power Competition in the Arctic and Antarctica
Ryan Patrick Burke

Once impassable and inhospitable, both the Arctic region and Antarctica are rapidly emerging as geopolitically strategic hot spots. As Ryan Burke writes in The Polar Pivot, the ice is    More >

People, States, and Fear, 2nd ed.: An Agenda for International Security in the Post-Cold War Era
Barry Buzan

The second edition of this widely acclaimed book has been fully revised and updated to include: emphasis on economic, societal, and environmental aspects of security completely    More >

Security: A New Framework for Analysis
Barry Buzan, Ole Wæver, and Jaap de Wilde

Traditionalists in the field of security studies tend to restrict the subject to politico–military issues; while wideners want to extend it to the economic, societal, and environmental    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2006
Center on International Cooperation

The world now spends close to $5 billion annually on United Nations peace operations staffed by more than 80,000 military and civilian personnel, and commitments to comparable operations    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2009
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2008
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2007
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth and depth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by    More >

US Taiwan Strait Policy: The Origins of Strategic Ambiguity
Dean P. Chen

Why did the Truman administration reject a pragmatic approach to the Taiwan Strait conflict—recognizing Beijing and severing ties with Taipei—and instead choose the path of    More >

War Crimes: Confronting Atrocity in the Modern World
David Chuter

War crimes typically are discussed in sensational terms or in the dry language of international law. In contrast, David Chuter brings clarity to this complex subject, exploring why    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2010
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2013
Center on International Cooperation

The 2013 Annual Review of Global Peace Operations provides comprehensive information on all current military and—for the first time—civilian peace operations, more than 130    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2012
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2011
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

War Games:  US-Russian Relations and Nuclear Arms Control
Stephen J. Cimbala

Does it make sense for the United States to cooperate with Russia to resolve international security issues? Is it possible for the two countries to work together to reduce the dangers    More >

The Whistleblower of Dimona: Israel, Vanunu, and the Bomb
Yoel Cohen

In 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at Israel's highly secret nuclear arms research center at Dimona, disclosed highly classified details about Israel's nuclear arms program to    More >

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