- 2003/381 pages
- Distributed for Holmes & Meier Publishers
The Whistleblower of Dimona:
Israel, Vanunu, and the Bomb
Paperback: $24.95
ISBN: 978-0-8419-1409-4
In 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at Israel's highly secret nuclear arms research center at Dimona, disclosed highly classified details about Israel's nuclear arms program to the London Sunday Times. As a result, Vanunu was kidnapped from London and taken back to Israel where, after a closed- door trial, he was sentenced to eighteen years imprisonment for espionage and treason.
Yoel Cohen draws on thousands of pages of court transcripts and on first-hand testimony to probe the lack of internal security that made the disclosures possible and to provide extensive details of the sometimes extraordinary deliberations at Vanunu's trial. He also examines the consequences of the Vanunu affair for Israel's intelligence community, as well as for the balance of power involving Israel and the Arab world.
Yoel Cohen draws on thousands of pages of court transcripts and on first-hand testimony to probe the lack of internal security that made the disclosures possible and to provide extensive details of the sometimes extraordinary deliberations at Vanunu's trial. He also examines the consequences of the Vanunu affair for Israel's intelligence community, as well as for the balance of power involving Israel and the Arab world.
US and Canada only.